WWE 2K15 Producer Talks New ‘Beard Tech’ For Daniel Bryan

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, WWE 2K15 producer Mark Little spoke about the goals of 2K for the game. Here are highlights:

On his goal for the franchise: “I wanted to bring the visual intensity people love about the NBA 2K series to the WWE games. With the power of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, we are able to bring these characters to life in a way we were just never able to do in previous games.”

On their new hardware: “One of the things moving to the new hardware affords us is to rethink and retool the game. The entire scanning technology that we used can’t be done for the older consoles. It’s that intense, it’s that complex. What it affords us is the most lifelike images we can get, including signature facial expressions for each superstar.”

On “beard tech”: “Scanning doesn’t do beards or hair well, so for guys like Daniel Bryan, we needed to use this new beard tech to get him just right. There is this specific code of technology that we use to get the beards just right, and no beard is alike. Daniel Bryan’s is more open and scraggily, where if you look at a guy like Mark Henry, he has a big beard, but it’s thick and solid. We had to create technology to be able to capture both in a way that not only looked great still, but animated.”

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