Jim Ross Q&A – Naomi’s Push, Taker’s WWE Future, Reigns

Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section of his website, here are some highlights…

On Naomi’s WWE push getting cooled off: “You’re right in that I have no idea nor am I concerned about Naomi as she’s got too much talent for me to worry about her future. Let’s not over think it so, in other worlds, just wait and see what develops.”

On if all of the independent wrestling promotions should work together: “It would be great for all if they would only trust each other and be willing to compromise. That, however, is iffy.”

On the reason Brakkus didn’t last long in WWE: “Jacked up body builder type with a marketable accent and look but no natural skills for the WWE level of pro wrestling IMO. He lacked the aptitude unfortunately.”

On if turning Roman Reigns heel would help him become a legitimate main eventer: “I’m giving Reigns the time that he has to get ready if the main event at WM31 is indeed in his future of which I don’t know. Nothing I’m worrying about in December for an April event.”

On Michelle McCool revealing details about Undertaker’s life and if he will ever wrestle again: “Sorry but I have not kept up with it nor do I know Taker’s thoughts on the business. I also don’t know if he’s going to wrestle again. I’m happy that they keep their personal life private. No one deserves to know what they do in their private time or if Taker’s coming back to the ring.”

Speaking of former WWE Diva Michelle McCool, she recently tweeted a photo of herself in a bikini on the beach. If you’re interested, you can click here to view it. How does she look these days?! Let us know! (The Undertaker is one lucky dude!)

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): The Undertaker & Michelle McCool Together! **BRAND NEW – THE UNDERTAKER’S NEW LOOK WITH A BEARD**!!!!