Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe Feud Expected to Be Short

The match between Brock Lesnar and Samoa Joe at Great Balls of Fire is expected to be a one-time match and the feud likely won’t be drawn out much after that, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

As of now, the plan is for Brock Lesnar to face a returning Braun Strowman at SummerSlam, which would be the next (Raw-inclusive) PPV on August 20.

Lesnar is also expected to feud with both Seth Rollins and Finn Balor this year in order to hold off on his rumored match with Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, where Reigns would presumably win the Universal Championship. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Lesnar will hold the title until WrestleMania, but it does seem pretty likely in order to have Reigns’ victory be more of a “big deal.”