Al Snow on the Dog Angle with Big Boss Man, WWE Regrets, and The Rock

Website WrestlingInc held a recent interview with Al Snow discussing the inspiration for the dog angle involving the Big Boss Man, his early regrets in the WWE, and The Rock’s success both in and outside of wrestling.

On the topic of the inspiration for the Pepper the dog angle with Big Boss Man, Snow stated the idea for Big Boss Man to make Snow eat his pet dog came from a rumored real life incident involving Mr. Fuji and his neighbor.

“That was inspired by Mr. Fuji, who had in real life apparently did that to a neighbor’s dog he didn’t like. Art imitates life.”

On the topic of regrets he had during his first run in the WWE, Snow stated he regretted not being more committed to his original gimmick since he felt it prevented him from having a successful career in the WWE at the time. His original gimmick was a character called Avatar who would pretend to be a masked luchadore wrestler during matches.

“Any time that you’re put in a position on TV, no matter what it is you’re doing, it is an opportunity. That’s not a wrestling match, that’s a commercial for you to sell yourself. If I had known then what I know now, I could’ve probably made far more of that opportunity from what I did at that time. It’s just one of those disappointments that we all go through, hindsight is 20/20. Any chance with the WWE in any form is an incredible opportunity, and that one was, and I wish that I had the understanding that I do now, then I would’ve been able to capitalize far greater on that opportunity.”

On the topic of The Rock, Snow praised The Rock for having a very successful career both in and outside of wrestling.

“He’s such a great attraction, he really is, so much so that he’s taking over Hollywood as well because of it.

During the interview, Snow also discussed his new clothing line called Collar Elbow Brand and being very happy with its success since launching this past Summer.