Austin Speaks On The Stunner, Mick Foley, Royal Rumble

By Tim Brown on January 22, 2004 at 8:41 PM EST

-- Thanks to reader Aled for the following recap of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin on Sky Sports News earlier today:

They started off asking him about why he's no longer wrestling and about his neck problems. He says that although he's enjoying his current role on Raw, he thinks there might be another match down the road if "the right opponent comes along". Steve says that they came up with the new Sheriff storyline because the general manager role where he wasn't allowed any physicality unless provoked would probably get stale.

He said that Austin's beer-swillin' foul-mouthed character is pretty much how he is in real-life. He's not as violent in real life 'cause he'd probably "spend most of his time behind bars". When asked about his finisher, he said that Michael Hayes introduced him to the Stunner, and that most guys these days watch tapes from Japan when looking for a finishing move.

They then plug the Royal Rumble and Austin thinks that either Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit will win the Royal Rumble (he has changed his mind from Goldberg he says).

Toughest opponent Austin's faced - Mick Foley

Other favourite opponents - The Rock and HHH

Who's your best friend in the business?
He said he's a bit of a hermit and doesn't really hang out with anybody, but mentions the late Brian Pillman and Mick Foley as his mates from his WCW days.

Did you watch wrestling when you were younger?
Yeah, always been a fan. Watched Houston Wrestling as a child.

The 1996 King of The Ring was also mentioned, and how Austin's character was born.

Steve doesn't like the way the writers determine everything that the wrestlers say in their promos, and would prefer if it were more ad-libbed.

He went to Hair Club For Men when he started losing his hair. When asked how he gets his head so shiny, he recommends Turtle Wax!! (LOL)

And that wraps it up. Not many interesting questions, no talk of who he might like to face in a future match or anything like that. The Sky Sports News presenters didn't have much knowledge of wrestling.

Interview With Steve Austin From Earlier Today (Confirms He CAN Wrestle Again) **REAL LINK - THIS ISNT A LIE! PROMISE!** [>>]