TNA's TV Deal Almost Done, FOX Execs At Next Week's Show

By Chris Walters on April 24, 2004 at 9:53 AM EST

For months, NWA:TNA has been shopping their product around to various cable companies in an effort to secure a national television deal. A TV deal would mean a trenemendous amount of exposure for TNA and would be a big step towards being a competitive #2 wrestling organization in America. There have been talks that Jeff Jarrett has been metting with representatives from various companies, but lately things have heated up between TNA and the Fox Sports Network.

It has been confirmed that next week, there will be several Fox Sports Network representatives attending the TNA show. Should the company get a TV deal, they would change their entire business strategy from airing weekly PPV events to airing a weekly show on cable as well as 3-4 PPV events a year.

In related news, former WWE wrestler Nathan Jones is said to be currently living in Orlando, Fla. Orlando just happens to be the home of Universal Studios, where TNA plans to tape its weekly Fox Sports Network show from. Some wrestlers are predicting that Jones will end up working for TNA because of his size, name recognition, and proximity to the tapings.

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