WWE Heavily Pushing Hulk Hogan Matches, WWE Notes

By Chris Walters on October 31, 2004 at 7:18 PM EST

- Lilian Garcia performed the National Anthem at yesterday's college football came between Tennessee and South Carolina. Garcia is an alum of South Carolina.

- Lita and Matt Hardy were spotted talking at a Sebastian Bach's concert a few days ago in Raleigh, North Carolina.

- WWE has been pushing their November jukebox matches hard on WWE.com with a bunch of Hulk Hogan matches. Due to the legal issues between WWE and Marvel Comics over the rights to the Hulk Hogan, he is being referred to as "The Hulkster" on the website. Matches shown will be against the Undertaker, Jay Leno, Sting, Andre the Giant and more.

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Credit: PWInsider.com