Arn Anderson Interview: WWF, NWA, WrestleMania, Horsemen, nWo

By Chris Walters on November 6, 2004 at 1:22 AM EST

This week on Between the Ropes, Fritz, Dickerman, and Vito DeNucci were joined by 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson to talk about his career and his upcoming appearance at the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Legends Fanfest on November 26 through 28, 2004, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Arn talked about being able to get together with the other wrestlers and it affects the way that the fans enjoy the show. He talks about how he has not seen Ole, Tully, J.J., or the Briscos that often, some since the last convention. Arn had a great time last year, and expects the same this year. He said that it did not feel strange being around the other Horsemen, except that Flair was not there. He says that he is usually asked by people how Tully and Ole are doing, but he has not seen Tully since last year's fan fest, primarily due to their schedules.

Arn was asked about the fans that hold up the four fingers and the standard of excellence of the original horsemen. He appreciates the impact that they had on the fans no matter their age. He says that he knows that they did their job well and connected with the fans. He compares it to the movie where the sequel is not as good as the original.

He was asked about groups that tried to copy the Horsemen style and how it affected their legacy. He says that WCW never needed you until they need you. He talks about an underlying mystique with the Horsemen, and how every watered down rendition of the Horsemen was usually better than anything WCW had going. He knew that the suits at WCW hated bringing them back each time.

He talked about the New World Order and DX, and how they worked well because they were friends. He said that the more they kicked it and tried to sweep it under the rug, it got stronger. He talked about how they were 'family' and the lifestyle. Arn was asked about whether he got caught up in it too much or if it was just part of the deal. Arn says that people love to hear Arn tell the stories because it was real. He talked about how they ran hard and played hard, but work came first. They were smart enough to know that if you are going to party, take care of your business first. They took pride in being the best wrestlers in the world, and there was a competition to put on the best match each night. Arn says that he knew that it was not going to last forever, but they had a moment when they lived like rock stars. He said it was wonderful, and it was easy to consume you.

Arn was asked about how their putting on the best possible matches affected the company for trying to 'keep up with the Horsemen'. Arn talked about working along with The Midnight Express, the Garvins, Rock & Roll Express, Magnum TA, Nikita Koloff, Brad Armstrong, and Tim Horner. He said that everyone on the card were good performers. The competition among the Horsemen was to outperform each other, not the other wrestlers on the card. He felt that it made for a great product. They were able to take a mom and pop organization and turn into a national promotion.

Arn was asked about the differences between the WWF and NWA, and the transition that he and Tully made when they went to the WWF. When they went to WWF, they were concerned about whether Crockett was going to sell or go out of business. Vince established a product, and has done it the best. Arn talked about how the characters were bigger than life in the WWF. He talked about the talent that was there when they started, and they were tremendous performers. Arn says that it was a wonderful experience in the 14 months he was there. He said that Vince treated him and Tully better than anyone and paid them well, but he had a young child and the travel was too much. He said that Vince did not tweak their style, and the only significant change was the name. He talked about how Bobby Heenan was able to get them over with the WWF crowd. By being put with Haku and Andre the Giant, it put him and Tully in the elite group in the WWF. He was able to come back in the last few years and has enjoyed his time with the WWE.

Arn was asked to compare the different styles in wrestling today with when he started with the Horsemen. Arn said that it never entered his mind that the business was a 'work'. It is very real, and he talks about how if it wasn't real, he would not have problems with his arm or have a seven inch scar. When he went through the curtain, it was real; and when he came back through the curtain after his match it was real. That came from 300 matches a year, and the people that he worked for like Bill Watts, the Crocketts, and the Fullers.

He talks about how things are different now because they are only working four days a week, and they don't have to work two shows on Saturday and Sunday. The young guys now are at a disadvantage because they don't have the same repetition that he had when he started. Being able to get the wisdom from other wrestlers as well as working in different territories helped to groom who they became. The wrestlers today do not have that luxury.

Arn was asked if the wrestlers coming up from Ohio Valley seek out the Arn Andersons and Ric Flairs to understand the experience. He says that some guys seek more than others, and there are some people who think that they know everything. He said that he sees some people who think they know more than Arn does. He talks about how Batista, Orton, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin have improved. Arn also talked about Gene Snitsky, and how he liked his look when he came up but was very green. He thinks that Gene has gotten it, and is improving. Arn talks about being with Shelton and Charlie all the time when they were on the road together for a six month period and their work ethic. He thinks they will be good pros, but it has to be a seven day a week thing. Arn says the public needs to be patient with the wrestlers' progress because the schedule is very different from when he was wrestling seven days a week.

Arn was asked about seeing Chris Benoit win the title at Wrestlemania consider what he did with him throughout his career. The similarities between the two careers were brought up. Arn said that Chris Benoit had a lot of the same knocks that Arn had. Too short, not too colorful, a great wrestler, but not the person they want to be a big star. Arn talked about Benoit being attacked by Edge last week on Raw, and when he got up, he got a standing ovation. It is not about winning or losing, it is about seeing a man going to the ring to give the fans their money worth. Arn said that he shed a couple tears at Wrestlemania because it made everything in the business right.

He was asked if he ever felt that he could have been the NWA World Champion, and he says that he does not feel bitter about it. He says that he looked at himself as average across the board, but he was a student of the business who watched and listen. He tried to learn more than run his mouth. He was happy with his position in the company. He did not need to go from 0 to 100. He only had to stay at 75, and over his 22 year career he did a lot. He wanted to be around for a long time, and be able to make a living doing something he truly loves. That is why Arn didn't question things as much during his career because he was honored to get up every day doing a thing he loves. He was asked if the fan's reactions to him were a result of Arn's appearance as a 'regular' guy. He says that he came from meager beginnings, and he is a blue collar person. He said that when he had a microphone in the ring, he would talk to the people instead of at them, and it carried him through his career.

Arn was asked about his relationship with Ric Flair and their long term friendship both in and out of the ring. Arn says that they are on different ends of the spectrum, but Flair spit the silver spoon out and earned his living. Nobody can say that when Ric Flair went through the curtain, he didn't earn his money. Arn says that Flair took a look at him 21 years ago in Pensacola and told him that he had a spot for him in Charlotte. Arn talks about being able to tell Flair what to do now.

The interview ended with Arn saying that he is able to sit up close with the fans to be able to tell their stories to them. It is a great setting to be able to meet the wrestlers and interact with the fans.

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