The Ultimate Warrior Bashes WWE Hall of Fame, DVD Release

By Triple A on March 23, 2005 at 4:11 PM EST

The Ultimate Warrior has been busy, talking a bunch of trash about WWE on his website, He had the following to say about the Warrior DVD that is being released:

"At this juncture, it is still unconfirmed if this DVD will be released at all. WWE's DVD schedules have changed in previous years, and this one may be no different. What can be confirmed, however, is that if this DVD is released it will not involve Warrior, but will be a compilation of old matches.There will be no collaboration between WWE and Warrior on the project. AGAIN IT MUST BE SAID...Warrior is NOT returning to World Wrestling Entertainment."

He also had the following to say about the WWE hall of fame:

"NO. Many speak of Ultimate Warrior's place in the Hall of Fame as a tribute. Some even use it as a plea that I should make nice with WWE, let bygones be bygones. That being inducted into the Hall of Fame would be a tribute to all I accomplished with the character in sports-entertainment and a way to preserve its legacy, and an appreciative gesture to all of Ultimate Warrior's fans. I disagree. The greater tribute, the one showing greater honor and reverence, for the character and the fans, is to stand by my principles and refuse to participate in the charade. Ultimate Warrior fans, even more than persona, are better than any honor today's WWE could bestow. Frankly, I can't think of an easier way to disrespect the character, the fans or myself. Ultimate Warrior is a Hall-of-Famer because HE IS. There is nothing else to add or do to make it so that he is one. He is, pure and simple. End of story. A phony ceremony isn't what makes him one. My own legacy, as the creator and performer of Ultimate Warrior, is to the people who have stood by me and drawn strength and inspiration from the integrity of my word. That my word is my bond and there is value in my promises. Going back to the WWE for the sake of one emotional moment would have me lose much more than I could ever gain. What I am, where I've come and what I stand for is worth much more than a shiny WWE plaque on my wall. That's how I see it, and that is my tribute to the career of the Ultimate Warrior and to all those people who loved and supported him, and who continue to do so. It is my testimony to the fans, and to stand in a WWE ring and wave to them would be nothing more than cheap and superficial. It would do nothing more than denigrate his memory. A memory that, it's funny, yet so true, will outlast every other one that has ever stepped into a wrestling ring. And will, just as much because of what I stand for now, as what Ultimate Warrior stood for in the ring all those years some time ago."