3 Hour Raw Set for USA Return

By Jesse Suchanek on September 10, 2005 at 10:47 AM EST

RAW is coming home to USA

A 'Night of Champions" is scheduled for Monday Night RAW's special three-hour homecoming to the USA Network on Oct. 3, starting at 8 p.m. ET.

Many former WWE Champions will be making their return to RAW on Oct. 3, including Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Triple H. Even Mr. McMahon himself will make an appearance.

All of this is in addition to current WWE Champion John Cena and former WWE Champions Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Kurt Angle and Ric Flair being a part of the historic, star-studded evening.

RAW flourished during its seven-year run on USA network, establishing cable rating records as WWE fans flocked to the television each and every Monday night. And it's happening all over again, so don't miss RAW on Oct. 3 for this televised homecoming.

Stay tuned to WWE.com as more information on RAW's move to USA becomes available.

Credit: WWE.com