FBI Not Happy With WWE, Big Show's Wrestling Status, More

By Matt Boone on June 18, 2007 at 1:49 PM EST

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The FBI is not happy that WWE is using their name in the McMahon "death" storyline. The difference between WWE using them and a TV show using them is that WWE doesn't run writer credits at the end of their shows. WWE is perpetrating the FBI's involvement in the case of McMahon's "death" as real and that's why they're upset.

Regarding Ashley and her suspension, the phrase being used for her temporary departure is "she's going away for a while." Also, Ashley posted a new blog on her MySpace page on Wednesday. No mention of the Survivor rumors. She said that she moved from New York to North Carolina last week to be with her family. She also mentions her storyline suspension, but she's "in character" when talking about it. You can read her blog at blog.myspace.com/ashleymizassaro.

When people inquire about using Big Show on indy shows, he says that he has no interest in wrestling anymore. However, the belief is still that if Hogan gets something going, he'll do something with him.

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