Kennedy Defends WWE; Put His Foot In His Mouth Again

By Ryan Gray on September 14, 2007 at 11:03 AM EST

Ken Kennedy really put his foot in his mouth after an interview he did with Fighting Spirit magazine in the United Kingdom. In the interview Kennedy said the following:

So, like, everybody used to live that lifestyle and that's what the business was. But you can't get away with it nowadays, because we do have a drug testing policy, as much as everybody wants to say that it's not legitimate. Well, it is legitimate, because they stand there and they watch you pee. It's like, how much more do you want? And there are certain circumstances where guys have an elevated testosterone level, above 4:1. But if you do, you'd better have a damn good reason why, and a doctor's excuse, and a legitimate doctor's excuse, or you're gonna be suspended and fined and potentially fired. And that's just the way it goes - zero tolerance. And I hate it, it really irritates me when I see these people get on TV shows and say, "Well, their Wellness Policy is a joke" and "They're allowed to have ten times the legal amount of steroids in their bodies". The fact is that we're not allowed to have any steroids in our bodies. Period.

The interview was obviously done before he was suspended 30 days for violating the Wellness Policy. Kennedy was spotted backstage this past Monday at RAW in his hometown. He told people he would see them in Cleveland, Ohio on October 1st for RAW.

ONE HUGE Name To Miss Unforgiven (SUSPENDED Yesterday)!!! READ HERE (>>)