Backstage Firing News, Carlito's Sister Pregnant, Striker's Status

By Ryan Clark on February 14, 2008 at 9:53 PM EST

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Cassidy Riley, who was released last Monday, was formerly of TNA and landed a developmental contract last year after creative team member Dusty Rhodes pushed hard for him. The two worked together when Rhodes was the head TNA booker in 2005, and he liked him, thinking he looked like former wrestler Dick Slater. At around the same time, K.C. James was demoted to Ohio Valley Wrestling and so the two formed "old school" Southern tag team called "The James Boys." Riley's new gimmick was 'Kassidy James', the little brother of K.C. James, even though he is several years older than him. The James Boys won and lost the OVW Southern Tag Team Championships on four different occasions dating back to June, the last run taking place in September. Anyway, there was talk of calling The James Boys up to the main WWE roster, but when it came time to make that decision, Stephanie McMahon, who is the WWE Executive Vice President of Talent and Creative Writing, hated the act, and of course, their call-up was nixed. The team disbanded shortly thereafter. Riley was left to fend for himself after K.C. James was given a peculiar role on ECW as a wrestler making semi-regular appearances on their program, but yet, isn't an official member of the roster. The chances of Riley getting a call-up to WWE as a singles wrestler were slim to none and the axe finally fell on him this past Monday.

Matt Striker became Big Daddy V's manager because they were worried that BDV would be cheered as a fan favorite.

On the heels of Stephanie McMahon confirming reports that she is pregnant, we received the following from Manuel O. González: WWC announced on their TV show that Stacey Colón (Carlito's sister) is pregnant. That appears to be the reason Stacey wasn't allowed to use a chairshot on Konnan at the 1/6 event. To view phoots of Carlito's HOT sister now, click here.

WrestleZone Radio for this week is up and archived! After a successful return several weeks ago, expect bigger and better things from WZR in the very near future. This week, however, tune in now and listen to Matt Boone & Ryan Clark do what they do best - run down all the latest news and rumors from WWE, TNA, and UFC! TO STREAM THE SHOW: CLICK HERE! TO DOWNLOAD THE SHOW: CLICK HERE!

Carlito's HOT Sister **AMAZING PICS**, Plus WWE releases THREE more on Thursday....