TNA iMPACT! Rating Ties ECW This Week, Big TNA Release, More

By Ryan Clark on March 7, 2008 at 6:12 PM EST

  • This weeks TNA iMPACT! rating scored a 1.2 rating which ties what ECW did this week.

  • TNA's mobile service sent a memo out yesterday stating that Judas Mesias will be wrapping up his commitments with the company and leaving shortly. Mesias did a clean job to Rhino on last night's edition of Impact. Mesias regularly wrestles for the AAA promotion out of Mexico.

  • A TNA house show on 4/5 at The Pershing Center in Lincoln, NE is advertising the following card: Samoa Joe & Jay Lethal vs. A.J. Styles & Tomko, Booker T vs. Robert Roode, Gail Kim vs. ODB, B.G. James vs. Kip James, Rhino vs. James Storm and Curry Man vs. Sonjay Dutt.

  • TNA Star Booker T is on the cover of a new wrestling magazine based out of Spain called "SoloWrestling." It talks about him joining TNA. It's interesting to note that they're using the same exact posed shot of Booker that Fighting Spirit and The Wrestler/Inside Wrestling used for their cover shots on him joining TNA.

  • On eBay, Angelina Love is auctioning off a pair of black platform boots she's worn for TNA.

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