Konnan Speaks On Pro Wrestling’s Drug Culture + More News

— On a recent edition of MLW Radio. Konnan spoke about how much the culture has changed in the locker room since the 90s as well as past habits that later caused health issues. Here are some highlights…

“It was really hard [to stay clean] in the era I came in. It was like a party. The very first time I went to WWE for a dark match, Shawn Michaels was in the showers smoking a joint with Curt Hennig out in the open. There’s no way you could do that today. You used to have guys just shaking as they’d walk into a hotel. Just shaking from the somas and nobody really NARC’d on anybody.

I did have health issues from pain pills and anti-inflammatories and a whole bunch of other [stuff], but those are the two that really [messed] me up. A lot of vicodin.”

Also, Konnan, Court Bauer and Mister Saint Laurent shared stories about the best wing-men in wrestling, including hilarious road stories about Ted DiBiase, Scott Hall, Dean Malenko, Kevin Nash and more.

The Daily Record has a story up that says former British Heavyweight Champion Colin “The Highlander” McKay has been arrested for sex crimes against teenage boys.

McKay allegedly targeted his victims after he joined the Scottish Professional Wrestling Academy. He was arrested in April after one of the victims told police. Sentencing will happen next month while McKay remains in police custody.

WrestlingData.com says that McKay has been in the business for twenty years and even trained WWE wrestler Drew McIntyre.

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