Santino Marella’s Recovery, New Diva Photos, Vader Featured

— Santino Marella, who suffered a separated left shoulder during a a car accident in September 2011, says he is still recovering from the ordeal.

He wrote Tuesday, “Today I did my first sets of dips since my car accident 15 months ago, healing is slow sometimes but constant progress is the goal!” Santino tweeted.

— You can now follow me (Ryan Clark) on Facebook and Twitter. My Facebook account is located at and my Twitter account is at My Facebook page is “maxed out” for friend requests but you can still subscribe to get my updates. Hope to see you soon!

— You can email me (Ryan Clark) at If you’ve got a newsbit please pass it along. We’ll try to confirm it and then post it here on the website with credit to you.

— Continuing its “25 Days of Divas” photo series, the official WWE website has posted these images of Cameron, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn and Aksana, among others.

— Vader is featured in today’s “Superstar Spotlight” on

100% DIRECT LINK (((**NEW** PHOTOS): Vader & Harley Race **JUST BEFORE** Their Recent Real-Life FIGHT!!!!