Dolph Ziggler On How The Rock Is Helping WWE Product


During a recent radio appearance, Dolph Ziggler discussed the Rock’s return and how it may benefit him. Here is what he had to say…

“He is back to bring more eyes to WWE than maybe wouldn’t have been on them. The whole thing is to get a new audience to cross over and enjoy our show. In the long run, him being in that spot and coming back and giving back to WWE will bring – hopefully – lots of eyes who normally wouldn’t see it.

They go, ‘Hey, I’m going to watch WrestleMania for The Rock. Oh, Dolph Ziggler stole the show. I’m going to watch next Monday when Rock isn’t around.’

“We used to be like, ‘Oh, he’s in a couple of movies, he’s coming back.’ But, he’s a huge star. It’s great for WWE and just another feather in his cap for him.”

100% DIRECT LINK (**NEW** CLOSE-UP PHOTOS): AJ **MAKING OUT** With Dolph Ziggler!