Darren Young Injury Update, WWE Outside The Ring T-Shirts

— WWE has launched a new series of “Outside the Ring” t-shirts featuring tongue-in-cheek phrases inspired by WWE performers past and present. The shirts appear to be inspired by BarbershopWindow.com.

This is the second time WWE has had a line like this. The first had shirts with insider terminology (jobber, kayfabe) which quickly went to the clearance section and were never seen again.

— Darren Young injured his knee and could be out until October.

Young tweeted: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. Young is 100% @WWE! #ClearYoung #PTP2Mania #MOD A wise man once said ,”The 2 most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Well who’s got the time 2 b patient! #ClearYoung #StrongPTP 100%”

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