Daniel Bryan Discusses His Growing Popularity In WWE

RollingStone.com has a new article up looking at the rise of Daniel Bryan in the WWE and the popularity of the “YES!” Movement.

Bryan, speaking about his popularity compared to Austin, stated: “When you look at Steve Austin, if he’d happened in different eras, he would have been hated. Hulk Hogan, if he came out now saying, ‘America, take your vitamins,’ and he’s this jacked-up dude, you would get people going, ‘Wait, what? I hate this guy.’ To me, it’s whether you fit into the atmosphere.”

Bryan added on what he wants for the future with his fiancée, Brie Bella, saying, “Brie and I would like a simple organic farm that’s not farming to sell stuff, but just to be self-sufficient. You never know what the world’s gonna be like.”

Brie also put over her future husband as a guy who is changing the perception of “smaller guys” in the business. “Daniel is making not only your hardcore wrestling fan base, but your casual viewer, look at the smaller guys differently.”

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