Vickie Guerrero Set To Be Fired?, Heyman DVD Cover Revealed

— Paul Heyman has the cover for his WWE DVD/Blu-Ray set, Ladies and Gentlemen, My Name is Paul Heyman. You can see it here. The set releases on August 5th.

— Speaking of Paul Heyman, is now selling a new Paul Heyman t-shirt with the phrase “The 1 Behind The 21-1”.

— Vickie Guerrero looks like she’s being set up to be “fired” on RAW next week. Guerrero’s contract with WWE is expiring, as previously reported, and Monday’s RAW angle where she was duped into delivering coffee to Stephanie that made her violently ill, would appear likely to be written off television at this point. Nothing is yet confirmed though.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): **BRAND NEW** Vickie Guerrero Bikini Pics! HAHAH!!!