Bret Hart Discusses Owen Hart’s Death + Batista/Drug Dealer

— Here is a new clip from “LA Slasher” starring Dave Batista, Brooke Hogan, Mischa Barton, Eric Roberts, Danny Trejo and several others. The following clip features Batista and Trejo as drug dealers:

— During a recent interview with Ottawa Morning to promote the WWE SmackDown tapings in Ottawa, Canada, WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart discussed his brother Owen Hart’s death. Hart sad:

“It was really difficult to get my head around that and obviously it had a very devastating affect on my whole family at home, my parents. My dad never was the same after that. I also know that the reality of what happened with my brother Owen, it was an accident. It took a while to realize that for me. Knowing that it was an accident, I could live with it a little easier. I really didn’t blame Vince [McMahon] or the company. I may have at the time and said a lot of things but a couple years after it happened, I accepted what happened and I was OK with it.”

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