Vince Russo Reveals His Biggest Regrets In Pro Wrestling

Vince Russo has posted a new article on What Culture that looks back at his ten biggest regrets in pro wrestling. Russo said:

“This was a huge mistake for me. Something I wish that I could take back every day—but, can’t. My wife raised my kids on her own without me being there—it’s that simple. Rather than put my time and effort into the only thing that should have mattered to me—I was out chasing ratings that in the big scheme of things meant absolutely nothing. I put Vince McMahon and the WWE before my own family, and just writing that sickens me.

I missed my son hitting his first home run—to this very day that still haunts me. And, for what, somebody who, went it came down to it, didn’t give a s**t about me? He only cared when I was the cash cow delivering him numbers. For that, I gave up my family. That’s just about as sad as it gets.”

Russo’s #2 regret was that he should have stood up to Eric Bischoff in TNA. He wrote:

“From the time Jeff Jarrett was taken from power due to the Kurt/Karen Angle incident, I was put in charge of creative and was working with Matt Conway. During that time, Matt and I were making a concerted effort to build the younger guys on the TNA roster. When Eric Bischoff came in, he literally ripped up our format, and attempted to start over. If you look back, many veterans were brought into TNA at that time—and, they became the core of our roster.

I felt that was a huge mistake. At that time I thought it was vital to the future success of TNA, that we build a much younger roster. But, I didn’t stand up to Eric. I chose not to debate him because I felt that it was clear that I was just not going to win. So—I tapped out. Again—looking back—I should have put up more of a fight because deep down inside—I knew I was right.”

Russo’s biggest regret was that he should have made wrestling a better place. He wrote:

“I had 23 years to make an impact on the wrestling business—and, I don’t feel like I accomplished that. No, I’m not talking about what you see on your television screen every week; I’m talking about what goes on behind the scenes. There are many things about the wrestling business I don’t care for—many things. It is ego driven, it is selfish, and for the most part—nobody cares –REALLY CARES—about anybody else. It’s each man and woman for themselves and that doesn’t make for a very pleasant working environment. I wish I would have worked harder on improving that—I really do. Unfortunately, most of the time I was concerned with watching my own back.”

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