Sinn Bodhi Posts A New Update On Jake Roberts’ Health

Sinn Bodhi posted the following on his Facebook, giving the latest health update on Jake “The Snake” Roberts…

UPDATE on Jake The Snake Roberts: Jake is NOT in a coma! Please don’t believe crappy gossip… Jake still has Phnemonia. He is not getting enough oxygen so he has been sedated and put on a ventilator… (Sedated only because the procedure is painful). Doctors have to wait & see how he responds before they can continue with MRI & other tests as the Ventilator is inhibiting but nessecary… And until the Phnemonia is cleared up it is preventing Docs from seeing what the underlying problems are. Docs can only speculate on how long he will be in this state. #GetBetterJake You can leave Jake Get-well-messages on Twitter @JakeSnakeDDT

Jake’s lawyer/manager/roommate released a statement yesterday saying that Jake was induced by doctors into a “coma-like state.”

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