Jerry Springer Hypes Tonight’s WWE RAW Appearance, Bella Twins

Jerry Springer recently spoke with to discuss his appearance tonight on Raw. Here are the highlights…

On the issues surrounding The Bella Twins: “I think it’s something deeper. Because if you’re twin sisters, you wouldn’t let something like the Stephanie McMahon situation break you up. I mean, you’ve had a life together. There’s probably some resentment on one by the other and so I think there’s a deeper issue there. This is either the straw that broke the camel’s back or it’s the thing that set it off. Two twins that get along wouldn’t let that break them up—you have that whole blood is thicker than water argument. But my guess is the intensity of the relationship in either direction, the love or the hate, is gonna be more severe if you’re twins.”

On what he expects from tonight’s RAW with The Bella Twins: “I don’t know that anything works and I don’t have any preconceived notion. I think the idea is that once I’m there in the environment with them and watching how they react or what concerns them, then hopefully something comes to mind, but if one of them is determined to keep the fight going, they’re not going to be talked out of it. You just have to see if there is a common ground that would make them think it’s better to be back together again as twins and have each other’s back, but if they don’t feel that, it’s not gonna happen and there will be chaos.”

On which Bella Twin he prefers: “Assuming that I don’t want to be hurt, I won’t answer that question. Either of them could beat me up and let’s be honest, I’m a 70-year-old man. Who’s not going to beat me up? I just hope everyone has the sense not to hurt me.”

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