Report: WWE Using CM Punk Lawsuit As ‘Revenge’?

According to a source, WWE’s statement in support of Chris Amann in his lawsuit against CM Punk is a way of getting back at Punk for being “outworked” by Punk when he left the company. As previously reported, WWE sent out a statement showing a video from the Royal Rumble of Punk’s back which they say disputes his claims of having a lump on his back which Amann misdiagnosed.

A source notes that WWE “lost round one to a guy they now believe beat them at their own game and they can’t say that so this is what they are doing.” The company thought they had Punk “dead to rights” when they settled with him, but now they think he beat them and didn’t take it well.

The company reportedly is doing this for revenge “for them being worked into caving early” and because they can’t sue, they’re using Amman’s lawsuit. It adds that WWE believes they are in the right.

100% DIRECT LINK (*PICS*): Jim Ross In His Restaurant Uniform! HAHAHA!!!