Paige Backstage at Slammiversary, Alberto Curses WWE Again

Paige was backstage at the GFW/Impact Slammiversary PPV last night with Alberto El Patron and was actually sitting at ringside in a luchadore mask. Paige has a similar tattoo on her thumb, so it seems to have been her:

After reportedly breaking up last weekend, they got back together later in the week and Paige is back to posting about how handsome Alberto is on Twitter again.

After winning the Impact and GFW Championships at last night’s PPV, after the show went off the air, Alberto “cursed out” WWE, calling them “that f*cking company full of losers,” according to PWInsider. He then said that he’d be happy to fight Lashley again and that they were both fighters and “not f*cking sports entertainers.”