ROH TV Results – May 18, 2023 – The Kingdom vs. Darius Martin & Action Andretti

May 18, 2023
Orlando, FL – Universal Studios
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, and Nigel McGuinness
Results via Suit Williams of

Quick Match Results

  1. Rey Fenix defeated Gringo Loco via Rolling Cutter (pinfall)
  2. Willow Nightingale defeated Madi Wresnkowski via Babe With The Powerbomb (pinfall)
  3. Iron Savages defeated The Wingmen via Double Team Front Electric Chair Drop (pinfall)
  4. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal defeated Zack Clayton & Cole Karter via Best Moonsault Ever (pinfall)
  5. Lady Frost defeated Miranda Alize via Temperature Drop (pinfall)
  6. Spanish Announce Project defeated Cheeseburger & Eli Isom via Leg Vine Ankle Lock (submission)
  7. NJPW World Television Championship – Zack Sabre Jr. (c) defeated AR Fox via Orienteering With Napalm Death (submission)
  8. Gates of Agony defeated Dalton Castle & The Boy via Double Team Facebuster (pinfall)
  9. Shane Taylor & The WorkHorsemen defeated Schaff & The Midnight Heat via Package Piledriver (pinfall)
  10. Mercedes Martinez defeated Ashley D’Amboise via Brass City Sleeper (submission)
  11. Fight Without Honor match – Darius Martin & Darius Martin defeated The Kingdom via Doomsday Device (pinfall)

Video: Willie Mack, Ninja Mack

The show started with Dasha backstage with Willie Mack and Ninja Mack. They showed respect to each other and made the decision to team together.

Gringo Loco vs. Rey Fenix

This was a great opener to the show. Loco was a great pickup by ROH, as his basing allows these high-flyers to really shine.

These two started off quickly, avoiding each other’s offense before Fenix scored the advantage with several kicks. Fenix sent Loco to the floor with an armdrag before following him outside with a springboard dive. Fenix hit a frog splash in the ring for a nearfall. Loco caught Fenix on a rolling move, picking him up in a gorilla press before slamming him down.

After going for the mask, Loco dropped Fenix with a facebuster for a nearfall. Fenix fought Loco off with a pair of thrust kicks before hitting his spinning back kick in the corner. Fenix followed up by running on the top rope to kick Loco in the head before landing another splash for a nearfall. Loco cut Fenix off, but Fenix hit the rewind kick through the ropes.

Fenix brought Loco to the corner and went for a rolling cutter, but Loco caught Fenix with a cutter of his own for a nearfall. Fenix scored with a rolling Frankensteiner for a nearfall before drilling Loco with a superkick. Fenix brought Loco to the top rope before hitting a double jump rana for a nearfall. Fenix brought Loco back to the top rope, but Loco knocked him down before hitting a step-up twisting Destroyer for a nearfall.

Loco brought Fenix up on his shoulders, but Fenix pulled him down with a poisonrana. Fenix hit the rolling cutter to win.

Winner: Rey Fenix via Pinfall.

Video: The Wingmen

Dasha was backstage with The Wingmen, Peter Avalon and Ryan Nemeth. They mock the Iron Savages and want to prove that ROH is Wingmen Country. Good luck with that.

ROH Pure Title Match Announcement

Ian Riccaboni announces that Katsuyori Shibata will defend his title against his protégé Alex Coughlin in two weeks on ROH television from Las Vegas.

Willow Nightingale vs. Madi Wresnkowski

Nightingale was in firm control to start, landing a senton. Wrenkowski got a boot in on Nightingale before choking her over the ropes. She brought Nightingale to the apron and covered her up with the apron itself, landing heavy strikes.

Back in the ring, Nightingale fired up, hitting a splash in the corner before hitting the spinebuster. Wrenkowski fought out of the Babe With The Powerbomb, forcing Nightingale into the corner. Nightingale caught Wrenkowski in powerbomb position, but Wrenkowski took her down by the head Billy Kidman-style for a nearfall. Nightingale moved out of the way of a boot and hit the Pounce. Nightingale followed that with the Babe With The Powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale via Pinfall.

The Wingmen (Ryan Nemeth & Peter Avalon) vs. Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder)

Jameson led the Savages out with an energetic introduction, hyping up the crowd for the Savages. Riccaboni noted that Nemeth will be playing Gino Hernandez in the new Von Erich movie that MJF also plays a part in. Currently, Nemeth was getting pounded on by the Savages. Nemeth desperately tagged out to Avalon, who got the advantage after Nemeth chop-blocked Bronson.

Nemeth took some time to swivel his hips, which was met with a spinebuster from Bronson. Boulder tagged in and ran wild on the Wingmen, landing a double flapjack. Boulder went for a moonsault, but Avalon moved and hit a splash of his own for a nearfall. Boulder repeatedly pressed Avalon to kick out before dropping both Wingmen with a crossbody. Bronson tagged in and scored the win after getting electric chair dropped onto both Wingmen.

Winner: The Iron Savages via Pinfall.

Zack Clayton & Cole Karter vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Daniels and Sydal got the advantage first, scoring an offensive combination on Karter. Clayton tagged in but met the same fate and took an offensive combo for a nearfall. Karter cut Sydal off on the ropes, allowing Clayton to hit a lariat on Sydal. Karter and Clayton worked over Sydal for a while, with Karter sending Sydal off the top rope into a powerslam from Clayton. Karter hit a splash for a nearfall that Daniels broke up.

Daniels tagged in and ran wild, landing a bulldog/clothesline combo. Karter cut off an Angel’s Wings attempt, bringing Sydal in to send Karter out. Daniels hit the STO as Sydal landed a dive on Karter on the floor. Daniels got the win with the Best Moonsault Ever.

Winner: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal via Pinfall.

Video: The Kingdom, Action Andretti, Darius Martin

A hype video for tonight’s main event Fight Without Honor match between The Kingdom and Action Andretti & Darius Martin was aired.

Miranda Alize vs. Lady Frost

Both of these women maximized their minutes here. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of them in this women’s division.

A quick start to this one, as Alize drilled Frost with a rana before booting her in the gut. Alize hit a strong face wash boot in the corner, but only scored a one count. Alize talked trash, but Frost hit a jumping knee and a cartwheel cannonball in the corner for a nearfall. Alize came back with a release suplex for a nearfall. Alize hit a Tiger Driver for a nearfall.

Alize set up a neckbreaker, but Frost fought out and cartwheeled into an Air Raid Crash. Frost went to the top rope and hit a corkscrew moonsault for the win.

Winner: Lady Frost via Pinfall.

Cheeseburger & Eli Isom vs. Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico)

Cheeseburger and Serpentico got started, with Cheeseburger getting the better of Serpentico with technical maneuvers. Angelico broke up Cheeseburger’s momentum before tagging in and showing off his llave submissions. SAP worked over Cheeseburger until he got a tag out to Isom. Isom ran wild, hitting a dive on Serpentico on the floor.

Luther booted Isom on the floor while the referee was focused in the ring. Angelico caught Cheeseburger in a leg vine submission for the quick submission win.

Winner: Spanish Announce Project via Submission.

NJPW World Television Championship
AR Fox vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)

All NJPW World TV Title matches have a 15-minute time limit, with the title remaining with the champion in the case of a draw. It was announced that the winner would defend the title against Jeff Cobb at NJPW Dominion on June 4th.

After an opening exchange, Fox caught Sabre with the double dropkick combo in the corner for an early nearfall. Fox sent Sabre to the floor and hit the superman dive to the floor. Fox hit a springboard dropkick for a nearfall. Sabre got a hold of Fox’s arm and slammed him down.

Sabre started the work on the arm, manipulating his wrist while in an armbar. Fox tried fighting back, but lost Sabre on an Irish Whip attempt due to the bad arm. Sabre did more work on the arm, twisting Fox into an armbar that Fox fought off. Fox caught Sabre with a jumping clothesline. Fox booted Sabre twice before hitting a swinging suplex for a nearfall.

Sabre went back to the arm, dropping Fox to all fours and stomping on his elbow. Sabre hit the Penalty Kick for a nearfall. Sabre toyed with Fox, allowing Fox to fight back and send Sabre to the floor. Sabre cut off a dive, but Fox superkicked him in the ropes. Fox hit a pendulum DDT for a nearfall. Fox brought Sabre to the top rope, but Sabre caught him in the Cobra Twist on the top rope. Fox popped back up, hitting the Lo Mein Pain for a nearfall.

At the 10-minute call, AR Fox went to the top rope, but Sabre rolled to the floor. Fox followed him with a big dive to the floor. Back in the ring, Sabre avoided a 450 and caught Fox in a European Clutch for a nearfall. Sabre started ripping at Fox’s legs, catching Fox in the Orienteering With Napalm Death submission for the win and his 7th successful defense of the title.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr. via Submission to retain the NJPW World Television Championship.

In the ring, Dasha interviewed Sabre after his win. He said that he saw a chance to make history as the first NJPW World TV Champion, and he took it. He declared himself the best champion in wrestling, and the most active TV Champion in wrestling. ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe came out taking offense to this. Joe offered a fight against Sabre right now, but Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels made their way to the stage. Daniels stated that he, Joe, and Sabre have all held TV Titles, but Sydal was overdue for a title shot of his own. Sabre offered up a tag team match, with a TV Title shot on the line for Sydal and Daniels if they won. Everyone seemed to agree, with Sabre saying that afterwards, they’ll figure out which champion is better. I’m excited for all of these potential matches.

Gates of Agony defeated Dalton Castle & The Boys’ Brandon

This stems from the mystery attack on Boy Brent last week. Boy Brandon started off with Kaun and got the better of him in a grappling exchange. Kaun then tagged in Liona, who tackled Brandon and threw him with abandon. The Gates threw Brandon around for a while until Brandon caught Kaun with a low flatliner. Kaun cut him off and sent him into the ropes where Liona booted him.

The Gates clubbered on Brandon more until Brandon crotched Liona on a splash attempt. Castle got the hot tag and ran wild with offense. Liona took a half dozen splashes from Castle and Brandon, but Liona kicked out at one. Brandon got caught on a dive, with Kaun taking out Castle with a gutbuster. Liona and Kaun landed a double facebuster on Brandon for the win.

Winner: Gates of Agony via Pinfall.

Shane Taylor & The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) vs. Schaff & The Midnight Heat (Eddie Pearl & Ricky Gibson)

Henry caught Pearl with a heavy kick to the midsection for the first advantage in the match. Drake tagged in and flattened Pearl with a senton and a Vader Bomb. Schaff tagged in and used his size to run wild, but Taylor dropped him with a lariat. As the Workhorsemen took out Pearl and Gibson, Taylor hit the Package Piledriver for the quick win.

Winner: Shane Taylor & The WorkHorsemen via Pinfall.

Backstage: The Righteous, Stu Grayson, Dark Order

Dasha was backstage with Vincent & Dutch. Quickly, Stu Grayson entered frame to wonder why they’ve been watching him lately. Dutch and Vincent said that while the Dark Order brought him back, they’re also holding him back. The Dark Order came in to drive them away, but Grayson decided to give Vincent and Dutch one chance to impress him.

Ashley D’Amboise vs. Mercedes Martinez

Martinez couldn’t keep a hold on D’Amboise early on, until she caught D’Amboise with a rolling forearm. Martinez hit the Three Amigos for a nearfall. Martinez clubbered on D’Amboise until D’Amboise avoided a corner charge. D’Amboise fought back until she walked into a spinebuster for a nearfall.

D’Amboise countered a Fisherman’s Suplex into a rollup for a nearfall. D’Amboise threw a bunch of strikes at Martinez. D’Amboise caught Martinez with a forearm in the ropes, then followed it up with a Burning Hammer for a nearfall. Martinez caught D’Amboise with a curb stomp, then scored the submission win with the Dragon Sleeper.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez via Submission.

Fight Without Honor Match
The Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs. Darius Martin & Action Andrettu

This was one hell of a battle in this main event. Everybody took a beating in this one, and they did some sick spots here too. This is one to seek out for sure.

The Kingdom menaced Andretti on the ramp, but Martin jumped them from behind to kick start this match. The plunder came out quickly, with Bennett catching a double dropkick with a chair in the face. Taven took a drop-toe hold into the chair, with Martin launching off of Taven’s back for a dropkick to Bennett. Andretti and Martin clubbered on Taven with weapons as he was trapped in a garbage can, but Maria involved herself, allowing Taven to dropkick a ladder into their faces. Martin got on the apron, but Maria hit a low blow, allowing Bennett to drill Martin with a chair.

Bennett got lacerated but didn’t let that stop him from hitting a spinebuster to Andretti on top of a trash can. Taven hit Just The Tip on Martin with a ladder in his face, but the Kingdom brought out a table to do more damage. They went for the big Doomsday Device to the floor, but Martin moved, leading to Taven taking out Bennett. Andretti hit an Arabian Press to both Kingdom members on the floor.

Back in the ring, we got a train of offense that left Dante Martin standing. Taven took down Martin with a chair to the back. The Kingdom hit a Hail Mary to Martin on top of chairs. Andretti fought out of the Proton Pack, hitting a bulldog on Taven. Andretti put Taven on a table, hitting a springboard 450 throu…onto the table. Andretti finished the job, suplexing Taven through the table for a nearfall that Bennett broke up.

Bennett and Andretti traded strikes, leading to Bennett hitting a spear and a DVD through the table. Martin fought his way up, but Taven dropped him with the Purple Thunder for a nearfall. Andretti and Martin got sent to the floor. Maria hit Martin with a pipe and held him up for chops from Bennett. Bennett went for the rebound forearm, but Martin moved, and Maria took the shot instead.

Martin and Andretti fired up, dropping Taven on a chair. They hit Bennett with a Doomsday Device off of the ladder to win.

Winner: Darius Martin & Action Andretti via Pinfall.

After the match, The Kingdom offered a handshake, which was accepted.