ROH TV Results – Sept. 7, 2023 – Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lee Johnson

September 7, 2023
Chicago, IL – United Center
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Suit Williams of

Quick Match Results

  1. ROH Women’s World Championship – Athena (c) defeated Allysin Kay via O-Face (pinfall)
  2. Tony Nese defeated Silas Young via Running Kneese (pinfall)
  3. Spanish Announce Project defeated Adam Priest & Shaf via Knee Bar (submission)
  4. Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue defeated The Renegades via Code Blue (pinfall)
  5. ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Proving Ground match – The Mogul Embassy defeated Gravity, Griff Garrison, & Metalik via Assisted Top Rope Splash (pinfall)
  6. Keira Hogan defeated Leila Grey via Face The Music (pinfall)
  7. Willie Mack & The Infantry defeated August Matthews, Jah-C, & Davey Bang via Big Boot & Russian Leg Sweep combo (pinfall)
  8. Leyla Hirsch defeated Lady Frost via Cross Armbar (submission)
  9. Katsuyori Shibata & Eddie Kingston defeated Gringo Loco & Blake Christian via PK (pinfall)
  10. ROH World Championship Proving Ground match – Claudio Castagnoli defeated Lee Johnson via European Uppercut (pinfall)
  11. The Iron Savages defeated Caleb Konley & Ren Jones via Assisted Splash (pinfall)
  12. The Best Friends, Action Andretti, & Darius Martin defeated The Outrunners & The WorkHorsemen via Strong Zero (pinfall)

Backstage: Athena, Billie Starkz, Allysin Kay

The show started with video from Sunday’s Zero Hour, where Athena yelled at Billie Starkz for not sticking to the plan during Athena’s trios match. Allysin Kay entered the scene, not liking how Athena was treating Starkz. After some cajoling, Athena accepted Kay’s challenge for the title.

ROH Women’s World Championship
Allysin Kay vs. Athena (c)

Kay used her size advantage to put Athena on the back foot. Athena baited Kay to the outside, where she sent Kay into the barricade. Athena distracted the referee, but Starkz refused to physically intervene. Athena kept the advantage, clubbering on Kay and mocking her all the while.

Kay fired up with a lariat and a Sky High for a nearfall. Kay hit a spinout facebuster before locking on an ankle lock. After asking Starkz to push the rope closer to no avail, Athena forced her way up and dropped Kay with a forearm. Kay cut off an O-Face attempt, but Athena shoved Kay down and hit the O-Face to win and retain.

Winner: Athena via Pinfall to retain the ROH Women’s World Championship.

After the match, Athena wanted Starkz to throw Kay into the belt. Starkz refused, so Athena did it herself.

Tony Nese vs. Silas Young

After Young interrupted Nese’s group training, Nese took the early advantage by sending him into the buckles. Young came back with chops before sending him off the apron with a step-up lariat. Nese sent Young into the post before sending his hammerlocked arm into the apron.

Sterling helped Nese with the attack on the arm before Nese hit a dropkick to the arm. After Nese tore at the arm, Young fired back with a lariat. Young necked Nese on the rope before hitting an over-the-top stomp and a senton for a nearfall. Young rolled Nese up, but Nese kicked out, sending Young into the ring post. Nese hit the running knees for the win.

Winner: Tony Nese via Pinfall.

Backstage: Dalton Castle

Lexy Nair was backstage with a perturbed Dalton Castle. He entertainingly complained about his problems with Samoa Joe & Stokely Hathaway, chugging a bottle of water before leaving.

Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico) vs. Adam Priest & Shaff

SAP took care of Priest, but Schaff was able to use his size to get control on Serpentico. Angelico tagged in and quickly took care of Schaff, tapping him out with a knee bar.

Winner: Spanish Announce Project via Submission.

Backstage: Kiera Hogan

Lexy Nair was backstage with Kiera Hogan. She said that she thought she didn’t have any lingering issues with former partner Leila Grey, but she would give her the work anyway.

The Renegades (Charlette & Robyn Renegade) vs. Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue

Blue & Nightingale had control early, but Robyn blind-tagged in and cut off Blue. Charlette hit a Fisherman’s Suplex on Blue for a nearfall. The Renegades clubbered on Blue until she was able to get a tag to Nightingale. Nightingale ran wild, hitting one Renegade with a Pounce before hitting a main event spinebuster on the other one for a nearfall.

The Renegades came back with dual rolling elbows for a nearfall, but Blue cut off the pin. Blue quickly tagged in and scored the win with Code Blue.

Winner: Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue via Pinfall.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match
Gravity, Griff Garrison, & Metalik vs. The Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage & The Gate of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun))

The Embassy clubbered on Garrison to start, sending him down with a double flapjack. Garrison fought out for a tag to Gravity, who got a pair of roll-ups on Cage before getting shut down. Metalik tagged in, hitting a reverse Slingblade and a rope-walk dropkick on Cage. Metalik hit a rope-walk senton for a nearfall before the match broke down into a Pier Six brawl. The Embassy finished off Metalik with an elevated splash from Liona.

Winner: The Mogul Embassy via Pinfall.

Leila Grey vs. Kiera Hogan

Hogan hit a step-up legdrop for a nearfall. Grey came back with a dropkick in the corner before choking Hogan on the ropes. Grey hit a back elbow and a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Hogan came back with a shotgun dropkick and a hip attack before a basement dropkick scored her a nearfall.

Grey came back with a spear. The spear only got a nearfall, so Grey went to hit Hogan with her money fan. Hogan superkicked the fan out of Grey’s hand – and into the referee’s hands – before hitting her twisting neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Kiera Hogan via Pinfall.

Backstage: Maria Kanellis, Cole Karter, Griff Garrison

Lexy Nair was backstage with Maria Kanellis-Bennett. She spoke of an opportunity for Griff Garrison before Cole Karter brought Garrison into the frame. Maria told Garrison that she saw potential in him and that he needed to surround himself with the right people to reach that potential.

Willie Mack & The Infantry (Capt. Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo) vs. August Matthews, Jah-C, & Davey Bang

This was a quick affair that saw Dean score the win after a boot into a Russian legsweep.

Winner: Willie Mack & The Infantry via Pinfall.

Backstage: Lee Johnson

Lexy Nair was backstage with Lee Johnson, who has a Proving Ground match against Claudio Castagnoli tonight. Johnson said he was going to win because all he needed was one shot.

Lady Frost vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hirsch focused on Frost’s arm as Maria Kanellis-Bennett and Cole Karter watched from the stage. Hirsch hit a pendulum dropkick in the corner for a nearfall. Frost made a comeback, hitting a handspring cannonball for a nearfall. Hirsch avoided (?) a hurricane kick before hitting a suplex into the corner. Hirsch locked on an armbar to win.

Winner: Leila Hirsch via Submission.

After the match, Maria offered Hirsch a handshake. Hirsch blew her off and left on her own.

Gringo Loco & Blake Christian vs. Katsuyori Shibata & Eddie Kingston

Kingston and Shibata hammered Christian before Christian hit an enzuigiri on Kingston. Loco tagged in and hit Kingston with chops and a moonsault before landing a senton for a nearfall. Loco hit a moonsault before Christian hit a springboard 450 for a nearfall. Christian went for a frog splash, but Kingston put his knees up.

Shibata tagged in and hit his hesitation dropkick on Christian before Loco sent him to the floor with a chop. Kingston dropped Loco with a backfist. Christian sent Kingston to the floor before hitting a Fosbury Flop. Shibata moved out of the way on a 450 before slapping on a choke. Shibata hit the Penalty Kick to score the win.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata & Eddie Kingston via Pinfall.

Backstage: Josh Woods, Smart Mark Sterling

Lexy Nair was backstage with Josh Woods & Smart Mark Sterling. Sterling said that Woods should be getting a Pure Title match soon.

ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match
Lee Johnson vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli forced Johnson into the corner before pummeling him with uppercuts. Johnson fought to his feet, but Castagnoli caught him on a moonsault attempt. Johnson spun him around into a satellite DDT for a nearfall. Johnson hit a superkick for a nearfall. Castagnoli dropped Johnson with an uppercut for a nearfall.

Castagnoli went for another uppercut, but Johnson turned it into a rollup for a nearfall. Castagnoli hit a big lariat for a nearfall. Castagnoli hit the hammer-and-anvil elbows, then stopped the referee from stopping the match. Castagnoli hit the Swiss Death uppercut for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli via Pinfall.

The Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder) vs. Caleb Konley & Ren Jones

The Iron Savages quickly won this match with their elevator drop splash.

Winner: The Iron Savages via Pinfall.

Backstage: Athena, Billie Starkz

Lexy Nair was backstage with Athena & Billie Starkz. Athena wasn’t happy with Starkz, noting that she gave Starkz more grace than she gave her own mother. Athena decided that Starkz needed some training to get up to speed.

The Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta), Action Andretti, & Darius Martin vs. The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) & The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

The Outrunners and the Workhorsemen kicked the match off with a jumpstart, quickly turning this match into a Pier Six brawl. They isolated Beretta, with Henry hitting a double stomp at the end of a flurry of offense for a nearfall. Beretta made the tag into Martin, who ran wild before getting cut off by Drake. The match broke down into a flurry that ended with a Strong Zero from Best Friends for the win.

Winner: The Best Friends, Action Andretti, & Darius Martin via Pinfall.