ROH TV Results – March 21, 2024 – Anna Jay vs. Mina Shirakawa

March 21, 2024
Boston, MA – TD Garden and Ottawa, Ontario Canada – Canadian Tire Centre
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. ROH Women’s World Television Tournament Championship Semifinal Round match – Billie Starkz defeated Mercedes Martinez via Roll-up (pinfall)
  2. ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament Semifinal Round match – Queen Aminata defeated Red Velvet via Headbutt (pinfall)
  3. Lee Johnson defeated London Lightning via Big Shot Drop (pinfall)
  4. Hikaru Shida defeated Rachael Ellering via Katana (pinfall)
  5. Matt Sydal defeated TJ Crawford via Meteora (pinfall)
  6. Mina Shirakawa defeated Anna Jay via Leg Trap Clutch Pin (pinfall)

ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament Semifinal Round Match
Mercedes Martinez vs. Billie Starkz

Martinez had the size advantage over Starkz, but Starkz wasn’t going out quietly. Starkz went for the first pin attempt, but Martinez immediately reversed it into a pin of her own. Starkz kicked out, and quickly found herself in a stalling suplex. Martinex held Starkz vertical for almost 30 seconds leaving Starkz dazed after finally receiving the slam.

Last week, Diamante helped Martinez advance in the tournament and tonight, she lurked around the outside of the ring while Starkz tried to stay in the match. Oddly Starkz was able to use this to her advantage and control the pace of the match. Eventually she caught Martinez in a suplex and followed it up with a dive through the ropes. Starkz went for a second one, but Diamante pulled Martinez out of the way.

Martinez used the barricade to get some leverage on a modified DDT and quickly jumped back into the ring to avoid the countout. Martinez bowed cockily to the crowd while Starkz struggled to beat the count herself. Martinez dragged Starkz to the top rope for a superplex driver in the middle of the ring.

Momentum started swinging Starkz’ way with a big senton from the top rope. Martinez kicked out at two though, and the two traded high knees. Starkz made her way to the top rope, and Diamante tried to get involved. Starkz fought her off, giving Martinez an opening to hit a razor’s edge, but Starkz managed to get the shoulder up at two.

Starkz managed to get ahold of Martinez and roll her up for the pinfall to advance to the ROH Women’s TV Title Tournament finals at Supercard of Honor.

Winner: Billie Starkz via Pinfall.

ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament Semifinal Round Match
Queen Aminata vs. Red Velvet

Not wanting to waste a moment, the second Women’s World TV Championship Tournament Semifinal match got going right after the first wrapped up.

Aminata and Velvet locked up, both sporting Spider-Man style gear. Aminata has been on a roll in ROH, and kept Velvet on the mat with her strength advantage. Wrist locks, hammer locks and headlocks were the flavor of the day as Velvet managed to take control of the very technical match.

That quickly changed though as Aminata tried to get Velvet up in a powerbomb, but Velvet was able to reverse it into a headscissors takedown. Velvet tried a few times to take the match to the top rope, but Aminata kept her grounded. Aminata delivered a vicious kick to the head, knocking Velvet out of the ring. Velvet made it back in to break the count and eat a snap suplex.

Aminata began to dominate the match, but Velvet kicked out of everything that was thrown at her. Aminata found herself trapped in the corner taking hard shots from Velvet. Velvet was able to get the taller woman off her feet with a big bulldog, but Aminata kicked out at two.

Velvet delivered a hard spear on the edge of the ring (the hardest part of the ring) and winded Aminata enough to get a two-count. Recovering, Aminata got Velvet with a rolling suplex and the two women traded blows until a superkick from Aminata put Velvet down for good.

Aminata advances to the finals against Billie Starkz April 5th at Supercard of Honor!

Winner: Queen Aminata via Pinfall.

Backstage: Kiera Hogan

Backstage Lexi Nair was joined by Kiera Hogan. Hogan was feeling good about her win last week in a four way match. She called out Diamante, challenging her to a rematch of their ROH Women’s World TV Championship Tournament match next week.

Lee Johnson vs. London Lightning

Johnson was looking to extend his win streak to eight matches, but standing in his way was a big dose of Lightning.

Lightning looked good, keeping pace with Johnson’s technical style, even getting some offense in off the top. Lightning struck hard , but Johnson was able to use his speed to reverse the momentum and land a big dropkick.

The hometown crowd was behind Lightning, and an errant elbow caught Johnson right in the teeth. But nothing was going to stop Johnson from getting his eighth win. After a Big Shot Drop, Johnson was able to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Lee Johnson via Pinfall.

Backstage: Taya Valkyrie, Johnny TV, Dalton Castle

Lexi Nair interviewed Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie backstage. Lexi asked how things were going with the Boys. Suddenly, Dalton Castle interrupted and Valkyrie admitted that they had actually lost the boys… because of a bear. They did not elaborate on this, except to say it was a big bear. Castle seemed to take this to mean the Boys were dead and wailed sadly. But Nair pointed off screen revealing four more Boys. a dejected Dalton referred to them as “single-use boys that you throw out when you’re done.” Lexi warned Castle not to interrupt her interviews anymore and so he left.

Rachael Ellering vs. Hikaru Shida

After the entrances, ROH Women’s World Champion Athena came to ringside and pulled up a chair to observe the action and scout former AEW Women’s World Champion, Shida.

Ellering tried a shoulder block, but Shida avoided it. Ellering tried a new tactic with a side slam, but Shida bounced back up to throw Ellering into the corner, where she delivered 10 big shots to the head. Ellering slid out of the ring to compose herself, and Shida followed, driving her head into the ring post.

Shida then threw Ellering into Athena, who did not think it was funny. Ellering used this distraction as a chance to throw Shida back into the ring and deliver a senton bomb. The aggressive Ellering took advantage of the distraction Athena’s presence was causing and drove her knee into Shida’s spine. Outside, Athena started looking around, as if waiting for someone.

A running knee from Shida stunned Ellering, allowing Shida to hit a dropkick from the top rope. The two traded blows until Ellering tried to put Shida down with a TKO. Shida kicked out, as Athena yelled “finish the job” to Ellering from the outside.

After a brainbuster, Shida landed a Katana kick and pinned Ellering for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida via Pinfall.

Athena moved back up the ramp, looking a little scared of what she had seen.

Backstage: Diamante

Backstage, Diamante grabbed a mic from Lexi Nair and accepted Diamante’s earlier challenge.

Matt Sydal vs. TJ Crawford

Local boy Crawford got a big ovation from the crowd but that was about all the help he got. Within seconds, Sydal had him in a Surfboard submission, but Crawford refused to quit.

Crawford’s strength kept the speedier Sydal on the ground as he hit a big suplex into a chin lock. The educated feet of Sydal came into play though and Sydal caught him with a big spinning heel kick. Sydal tried a brainbuster, but Crawford kicked out at two.

After a big jumping knee, Sydal hit a meteora from the top rope and Crawford stayed down for the 1,2,3.

Winner: Matt Sydal via Pinfall.

Backstage: Eddie Kingston

In the locker room, an emotional Eddie Kingston cut a promo. He said that he got a call from his good friend, former ROH Champion, Homicide. Eddie said that Homicide told him that he hasn’t been himself. The Old Eddie Kingston would have beaten Okada on Dynamite. Kingston promised to bring the “Old Eddie, the one who doesn’t care about life” to Supercard of Honor against Mark Briscoe. Kingston said that Briscoe better bring it, or he won’t be held responsible for what he does to him.

Backstage: Athena, Billie Starkz, Lexy Nair

Billie Starkz and Lexy Nair were seen backstage talking about Starkz advancing to the Finals of the ROH Women’s World TV title tournament. Starkz and Nair also talked about Athena defending her ROH Women’s title against Hikaru Shida at Supercard of Honor as the camera panned over to show Athena next to them. Athena responded yelling at both of them for talking about Shida just because Shida had beaten her in the past. This led to Starkz giving a surprise reaction and asked Athena if Shida really did beat her. An angry Athena responded back telling Starkz “shut up Billie!!” before walking away.

Anna Jay vs. Mina Shirakawa

The night’s Main Event was Jay’s ROH debut and she entered to a big ovation. Shirakawa was also making her ROH debut, coming all the way from Stardom to dance and compete, in that order.

These two had as much charisma as they did skill, and it made for an exciting matchup. Shirakawa had the edge early on, but Jay fought back with a running neckbreaker. Shirakawa began working Jay’s leg, trying to keep the bigger woman off her feet. Still working the knee, Shirakawa avoided getting knocked off the apron by Jay, and hit a jumping superkick to try for a pin.

Jay finally turned the tides though and delivered a few big kicks of her own. A razor-thin two count ensued and Shirakawa stayed alive long enough to knock Jay loopy with a hard set of strikes. The two staggered to their feet, trading punches until Shirakawa managed to catch Jay’s leg and drag her down into a figure four. Jay made it to the ropes, breaking the hold.

A dropkick from the top rope by Shirakawa stunned Jay and gave Shirakawa time to set up her finisher. Jay took advantage of the showboating and locked Shirakawa in a sleeper. Playing possum, Shirakawa dragged Jay to the ground then quickly flipped her for a pin, getting the win in her ROH debut!

Winner: Mina Shirakawa via Pinfall.