ROH TV Results – April 11, 2024 – Kyle Fletcher vs. Rhett Titus

April 11, 2024
Charleston, WV – Charleston Coliseum, Worcester, MA – DCU Center, and Quebec, Canada – Centre Videotron
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. Action Andretti defeated Isaiah Kassidy via Split Legged Moonsault (pinfall)
  2. Shane Taylor Promotions defeated Kaz Jordan & Julian Ward via Marcus Garvey Driver (pinfall)
  3. Nyla Rose defeated Kat Von Heez via Top Rope Splash (pinfall)
  4. Christopher Daniels defeated Cole Karter via Angels Wings (pinfall)
  5. The Righteous defeated Chico Adams & Bryce Donovan via Orange Sunshine (pinfall)
  6. Anna Jay defeated Little Mean Kathleen via Gory Bomb (pinfall)
  7. Zak Knight defeated Alvin Alvarez via Lariat (pinfall)
  8. ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground match – Kyle Fletcher defeated Rhett Titus via Reverse Tombstone (pinfall)

Video: Mark Briscoe, Eddie Kingston

Things jumped to an immediate start on ROH TV this week. The show opened with footage of a bandaged and iced up Eddie Kingston and new ROH Champion Mark Briscoe sharing a beer after Supercard of Honor. They cheers’ed had a laugh and the show was on. It’s unknown what this meant for Kingston’s sobriety threats, but time will tell. They will team with Adam Copeland to take on the House of Black at AEW Dynasty in just over a week’s time.

Isaiah Kassidy vs. Action Andretti

Kassidy, one half of Private Party took on Adretti who in recent weeks has been the third member of Top Flight. Kassidy showed his true colors right off the Code of Honor, sucker-kicking Andretti.

Kassidy was in control through most of the match, sending Andretti to the outside and working him against the barricade, as well as landing several high-impact and high-flying moves, including a Side Effect. Andretti didn’t show much offense until about halfway thought when he reversed an irish whip into a hard lariat. Kassidy slunk to the outside, where Andretti landed a suicide dive before tossing him back in.

Kassidy and Andretti traded moves in the ring, including a killer swanton by Kassidy. Andretti hit a poison-rana as the two traded near falls. Andretti countered a moonsault in mid-air, slamming Kassidy to the mat. After a split-legged moonsault of his own, Andretti covered Kassidy for the win.

Winner: Action Andretti via Pinfall.

Video: Undisputed Kingdom

The Kingdom had some post-Supercard words for the infantry. Now that they have the “Big Man” (Warldow, who cost the infantry the tag titles at Supercard) there’s no chance they lose the titles.

Video: The Infantry

Immediately, the Infantry responded, saying that no matter how much help their opponents have, they will overcome. You can’t kill the Infantry.

Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty) vs. Kaz Jordan & Julian Ward

Next to the larger Taylor, both Ward and Jordan looked absolutely tiny. Fortunately for Ward, Moriarty started things off with him, which was a much more even physical match.

Moriarty set the pace in this one, fast and hard hitting. Taylor tagged in with Jordan and it was like Nash/Mysterio in WCW. Some absolutely devastating shots from Taylor practically broke Jordan in half. Taylor literally threw him across the ring, and tagged in Moriarty for a very unnecessary double team attack.

Taylor and Moriarty toyed with their opponents, until a Marcus Garvey Driver from Taylor on Jordan ended the assault.

Winner: Shane Taylor Promotions via Pinfall.

Video: Billie Starkz

After a recap of Billie Starkz bait & switch at Supercard to win the ROH Women’s TV Title, footage was shown of Starkz showing off her new belt to her Mom. Mama Starkz was very disappointed in her daughter winning in a sleazy way. Athena then showed up and was very proud of her for the sleaze, declaring herself Starkz’ “new Mom” and the two ran off.

Nyla Rose vs. Kat Von Heez

Rose was still looking to climb the ladder back up into the ROH Women’s Championship picture, but Von Heez wasn’t really much of a rung to overcome. While having a similar size and power to Rose, Heez was on her Heelz from the start and Rose just dominated.

Rose taunted her opponent and the crowd by interrupting her own pin on Heez at one. Rose aggressively beat up Heez until finally getting bored and putting Heez away with a big splash from the top rope.

Winner: Nyla Rose via Pinfall.

Video: Lee Johnson

Lexy Nair talked to Lee Johnson about his match with Fletcher at Supercard of Honor. Johnson was uncharacteristically calm, but claimed that even though he didn’t win, just earning the opportunity at the TV title was a win.

Video: Kyle Fletcher

A quick cut to Fletcher, and the Champion responded. Fletcher said the he proved to Johnson why he is the Protostar and he hopes he never forgets it.

Cole Karter vs. Christopher Daniels

Karter came to the ring alone, something new for him as both his partner and his… mom?, Maria were nowhere to be seen. Taking on a veteran like Daniels in a singles match was a big opportunity for Karter and he was focused and ready to go.

Karter was a bit arrogant in the match, often pausing to mug for the crowd after dropkicks and during holds. He also sucker-slapped Daniels who was trying to shake his hand. Daniels turned it up a notch at that point, using his experience to keep the younger Karter on his toes with lariats and an STO.

In the end though, arrogance was no match for experience and Daniels landed an Angel’s Wing to put Karter on his back for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Christopher Daniels via Pinfall.

Video: Dalton Castle, The Boys, Paul Walter Houser

Some highlights from Dalton Castle and Johnny TV’s Fight Without Honor were shown. This led to footage of Castle after the match with Lexi Nair. Castle said that he breathes TV and has surrounded himself with the most talent TV people in the world, including Paul Walter Houser. House said he was a lifelong fan of Castle, and he’s got his back going forward. Castle claimed there was nothing that could stop him, Hauser or his boys! They are the TV that ROH has been craving!

The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) vs. Chico Adams & Bryce Donovan

Squash matches were aplenty this week and this one was no exception as Dutch laid out both Adams and Donovan with a double lariat before the bell.

Vincent’s psychological warfare was no match for Adams, even though he was trained by Afa, the Wild Samoan. Dutch tagged in and mercilessly pounded on Adams, taunting Donovan in the process. Donovan’s main contribution to the match was to break up a pin attempt by Vincent on Adams, but he did layin a few hard shots on Dutch that seemed to surprise the big man.

An Orange Sunshine on Adams by Vincent was enough to give The Righteous the win.

Winner: The Righteous via Pinfall.

Video: Athena

A video aired recapping Athena’s victory over Hikaru Shida to retain her ROH Women’s World Championship at last week’s Supercard of Honor 2024 show.

Anna Jay vs. Little Mean Kathleen

Jay was fresh off a loss last week and looking to bounce back against LMK, who, frankly, looked a little intimidated.

Much smaller than Jay, LMK tried to get the jump on her opponent off the top, but Jay rolled through and the match began in earnest.

Jay found her footing and began raining down strikes and slams on LMK. In the corner, chops were the meal of the day, and Jay served them up hard. Unlike a lot of the matches tonight though, LMK managed to hold her own and it was a pretty even affair.

Eventually Jay hit a Blockbuster into a Gory Bomb and got the pin on LMK.

Winner: Anna Jay via Pinfall.

Video: Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa

A video aired featuring Mariah May giving a backstage promo about her recent loss to Thunder Rosa stating that she hope she did not make her mentor Toni Storm upset.

Mina Shirakawa showed up interrupting May and thanked May for accompanying her at Supercard of Honor. Shirakawa then gave May a kiss and the two shared a bottle of champagne.

Video: Premier Athletes

Mark Sterling gave a video promo hyping up Josh Woods as being a Premier Athlete of ROH.

Zak Knight vs. Alvin Alvarez

Brother of AEW’s Saraya, Knight was looking to extend his Undefeated In ROH streak against the much larger Alvarez.

Knight sped in off the top, moving so fast he was able to spear Alvarez and send him to the corner. Knight didn’t seem to stop moving in the ring, his speed giving him a clear edge over Alvarez. Once Alvarez was able to slow things down, he showed some powerful offense, until Knight reversed a suplex on him and regained control.

The crowd got behind Alvarez to the disbelief of Knight. Alvarez rode that momentum to get some shots in on Knight, but a devastating lariat from Knight laid out the big man for a pin. Knight’s undefeated streak continues.

Winner: Zak Knight via Pinfall.

Video: Mark Briscoe

ROH aired a video recapping Mark Briscoe’s ROH World Championship victory over Eddie Kingston at Supercard of Honor 2024.

ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground Match
Rhett Titus vs. Kyle Fletcher

This was a Proving Ground match. If Titus could last 10 minutes or get a pin or submission on Fletcher, he’d earn an ROH TV Title match at a later date.

Eager to get things going, Fletcher waived off a Code of Honor and the match began. Titus knew he was the underdog here and threw a variety of strikes and holds at Fletcher. None of them were effective though. Fletcher actually laid back a bit in this match, letting Titus do the work at take the fight to him. When the fight arrived though, Fletcher was clearly in control.

Titus wrestled a more technical style, which made his attempt at a falcon arrow surprising to everyone, including Fletcher. At this point Fletcher began to see Titus as a bit of a threat and turned up the heat on him. Titus managed catch Fletcher in a half-crab though, which was about as close as he got to winning the match.

In the end, two dragon suplexes, a ripcord knee and a piledriver ended Titus’ hopes for a title shot, and gave Fletcher the win.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher via Pinfall.