Oklahoma State Athletic Commission Reportedly Considering Rule Change for Transgender Wrestlers Competing in Matches Held in State

As noted before, the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission issued an official warning to AEW this past January over issues involving Nyla Rose competing in a match at AEW’s tapings held in the state this past December. This issue revolved around AEW violating OSAC’s current rules over them allowing Rose, who is a transgendered woman, to compete in a match against a cisgendered woman at a ROH TV taping event held in the state.

Wrestlenomics’ Brandon Thurston reported that records obtained through a public records request he had made revealed that OSAC Administrator Joe Miller had notified AEW Senior Vice President Chris Harrinton in an email sent on January 4th that while the Commission viewed AEW to have violated their rules in regards to not allowing wrestling matches between males and females, the Commission is “currently in discussion to possibly change this rule. However if it is determined by the Commission that the rule should be changed it will have to go thru [sic] the legislative process for rule-making and would not be in effect until July 2024.”

Thurston reported that the OSAC’s official website currently lists a commission meeting scheduled for July 10th at the Oklahoma Commons Building.

Thurston also reported that Miller had retired from his position this past March and Diana Fletcher took over as the new Commission Administrator.

Thurston also reported that Miller’s email to Harrington also stated “Your reply to this email constitutes whether or not you intend to make this correction or if you prefer to state your case in a Commission hearing.” Harrington reportedly contacted Miller later that same day stating that members of AEW’s legal team would respond on January 8th.

AEW’s Associate General Counsel Alissa Harrington reportedly contacted the OSAC in an email sent on January 8th that stated “AEW agrees to the correction. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let Mr. Harrington and me know.”

Thurston reported that while AEW ran another event in the state of Oklahoma a few months later on February 21st in Tulsa for their Dynamite and Rampage tapings, Rose did not work at the tapings that night.