Austin, JR, Y2J, Cena & Others Speak On The Rock-WWE

Jim Ross, Chris Jericho and Steve Austin spoke about the Rock’s return last night, here is what they had to say…

John Cena: “CeNation. Rock was in rare form tonight. It was great to see him enjoying himself out there. Even if it was at my expense. I’ve been Called alot worse. Just glad to see him back in action.”

Jim Ross: “Got 2 hand it 2 WWE…HBK in HOF, Austin on Tough Enough, Rock to host/star @ WM27…MUCH more on the way. Look out Atlanta!”

Steve Austin: “it was great to see The Rock back on RAW tonight…helluva promo from an electrifying cat. great stuff heading into Mania.”

Val Venis: “I am just as happy as anyone else the Rock is back. As long as he sticks to the mic, we are good. Cuz his wrestling ability is questionable. Not hating on Rock. He is AWESOME on the mic. His charisma is unmatched. But lets be honest, Rock>Hardy & Venis>Rock! HONESTLY!”

CM Punk: “Rock owes me fifty bucks for going 20 minutes past the hour, making me miss my valentines day reservations at Nobu.”

Big Show: “Did anyone notice the chill bumps on Rocks arms as he gave his catch phrase? The rock is back!”

Taz: “GREAT JOB by Rock! Miss having steaks with him & Dud’s after shows!!! Great times! 1 of the greatest of all times!!!”

Chris Jericho: “Congratulations to one of my favorite opponents and greatest rivals on returning to the WWE. The Rock is the BEST promo man of all time…”

PICS – *110% DIRECT LINK* – Todd Grisham Growing A Mustache – LOL!