How Much Money Did Vince McMahon / Stephanie / HHH Make in 2016?

Here’s a breakdown of the salaries and other money made by the McMahon family and Triple H in 2016, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Vince McMahon

CEO and Chairman of the Board

Stock dividends: $17,056,020
Base salary: $1,313,462
Incentive compensation: $1,739,063
401K and life insurance: $19,075

TOTAL: $20,127,620

Stephanie McMahon Levesque

Chief Brand Officer

Executive and talent salary: ~$2,000,000
Stock dividends: $919,079.52

TOTAL: ~$2,919,079

Paul Levesque (Triple H)

Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events and Creative

Wrestler salary: $2,471,961
Executive salary: $601,933
Stock: $499,992
Incentives for performance: $419,531

TOTAL: $3,993,417

Shane McMahon

Performer salary: ~$2,150,000