Jim Ross Blogs: 2010 WWE Draft, Punk’s Mystery Man, RAW Hosts

Jim Ross has posted a new blog on WWE.com, here are the highlights…

What brand fared the best in the 2010 WWE Draft?: Without question, it was Monday Night Raw. Just as sure as Mr. and Mrs. Larry King won’t win the Brady Bunch Award for married couple of the year, Raw loaded up, which should make USA Network mighty happy. Quite a coup for a brand that doesn’t even have a full-time GM.

Who’s CM Punk’s mystery man?: Sounds like a question an enquiring mind might ask of Elton John or Adam Lambert, but Punk’s been getting some timely assists recently from a man, I assume it’s a man, under a hood. The rumor of this ‘masked man’ being Josh Mathews or Joey Styles is totally unfounded.

Will the Unified Tag Team Titles become even more relevant?: As a fan of exciting, tag team wrestling I sure hope so. Who would you consider the No. 1 contenders for the Hart Dynasty’s newly won tag titles? Thank goodness it isn’t the ‘Ding Dongs’ or the ‘Hunchbacks.’

Who does he suggest for a coveted, Monday Night Raw Guest Host role sometime in the future?: Many, many talented individuals would be outstanding in this highly sought after role but I’m throwing my black hat in the ring for Sandra Bullock. I feel relatively positive that my fellow WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry Lawler, would be willing to comfort Ms. Bullock, one of my all time favorites, during this challenging time in her life. BTW next week’s Guest Host Wayne Brady is a long time, devout fan.

Of course, this is all kayfabe as it’s on WWE.com.

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