Jim Ross Blogs – Daniel Bryan, Shield, Cesaro/Heyman

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry, here are the highlights…

On Daniel Bryan: Memorable night for Daniel Bryan who continues to dodge ‘authority bullets’ as the new, WWE World Champion and had a stellar night Monday. Bryan is beginning to feel more comfortable on the mic, which is essential for him. This goes for anyone as the verbal side of pro wresting is and always had been imperative to one’s success. The more natural the better when it comes to mic work but the more one appears to be reciting lines from a script the more of a disconnect that it is.

On The Shield: The Shield declaring their true colors as the show went off the air was significant. This gives WWE creative plenty of options going forward and the chance for Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins to take another step vertically not to mention when one or more of them ‘changes jerseys’ how big a deal that will be. I’d hope that metamorphous is not any time soon as the hotter The Shield becomes as fan favorites the more impactful they will be as antagonists when the time is right.

On Cesaro and Heyman: Great night for Antonio Cesaro as he’s taking his wrestling persona to a new and more upscale address. I do feel it will be challenging for fans to boo Cesaro on a regular basis as his work, consistency and the Cesaro Swing certainly seems to make him prime, fan favorite material even if he is a Heyman Guy. Speaking of Paul Heyman, Paul had a magnificent night on RAW delivering a home run on the Lesnar beating Taker promo. Heyman is the best talker in the business and continues to do amazing work and has to be considered as one of the greatest managers of all time on a short list that includes Bobby Heenan and Jim Cornette. Before all is said and done, Paul may be the best, pure manager to ever fulfill that role in the history of the business. Heyman’s duo of Cesaro and Lesnar, who I’m sure some fans have already started fantasy booking to face each other down the road, may be destined for strong, fan favorite roles if the Monday night audience has any thing to say about it.

On New Talent Appearing: I’m optimistic that Alexander Rusev and Lana can be hits within the WWE. Rusev is an athletic big man while Lana is one of the most unique and marketable females to arrive in WWE in a long while. I love her accent and delivery. Paige has a significant upside and I can see her potentially having a Trish-Lita type rivalry with the talented AJ Lee who is still WWE’s most consistent, in ring diva. Both ladies have marketable, bell to bell skills and both can be aggressive in the ring which translates well to all audiences. Based on what I saw Monday night, the new talents that are flowing into WWE make the WWE’s future exciting. Now we see how creative utilizes these talents and how the talents themselves diligently work on getting better and not allowing themselves to get in a comfort zone which can be the kiss of death.

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