More Names For The El Rey Network’s Lucha Underground


UPDATE: WWE Tough Enough alum Martin Casaus has signed onto Lucha Underground. The site adds that UWF alumnus Famous B was offered a deal and that Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) and his brother Mike have both turned down offers to be on the series.

The promotion also posted the following to Twitter advertising their tapings, which start this weekend:

ORIGINAL: Here are some news & notes on the El Rey Network’s Lucha Underground project:

* Former WWE wrestlers Ezekiel Jackson, Maxine and Savannah were offered deals for the El Rey Network’s Lucah Underground series. Maxine wrote on Twitter that she has signed on for the series.

* Meanwhile, Frankie Kazarian was offered a deal and turned it down, as did the Young Bucks.

* Talents were told that if they didn’t sign today, the offers would be null and void. The wrestlers were negotiating with the series to get the deals done yesterday but several names still haven’t agreed. Chavo Guerrero, who was going to work backstage along with wrestling, hadn’t come to an agreement on a deal.

* Several talents have been hesitant to sign due to the lack of exclusivity, guaranteed pay and the fact they cant work independent dates without getting clearance first. Some of the better known talents were offered $750 per match while others (independent performers) were offered $200 per match. Former WWE creative team members Chris Roach and Matt Stollman are working on the series with Chris DeJoseph.

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