Paul Heyman Discusses The Next Evolution, Cesaro/Axel, More

Paul Heyman recently spoke with Rolling Stone about the next evolution of the wrestling business and more. Here are the highlights…

On The Next Evolution of Wrestling: The next evolution of the business won’t be the actual content or presentation, but the manner in which the business and the content is distributed. I would suggest to you that [with] today’s distribution channels, which are smartphones and other handheld accessories, that the product will skew younger in the next couple of years, because that’s going to be the audience.

On Things Not Working With Axel and Cesaro: “I think the bar was set so high with the chemistry that Brock and I have, and the chemistry that Punk and I had, that it would be very difficult to match that,” he says frankly. “It’s not just a situation of, ‘Stick manager A with wrestler B.’ Especially when you’re shooting for the top. I’ve never walked through the curtain with someone I wasn’t trying to audition as a WrestleMania main-eventer, and I never want to. And I’m sure the performers I’ve worked with didn’t want to have an advocate whose goal was anything less. But sometimes the chemistry just isn’t there.”

On Fans Holding The Product Accountable: “I don’t think the fanbase should ever compromise. They should demand the best product they can get for their money and for their attention,” he says. “I’m not one of those people that sits there and says, ‘My God, what does the audience really want?’ The audience wants something that entertains them, and whether that entertainment is in the form of a physical match or in the form of a skit or video or promo, it’s our job to deliver it to them, to the point where the audience becomes the biggest champion of our brand. And if we can’t match that, then we’re falling short.”

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Paul Heyman Takes His Kids To ECW Arena!! **AWESOME PHOTO**!!!!