The Latest Update On Jeff Hardy’s Dirt Bike Accident

UPDATE x 3: Dixie Carter posted the following update on Jeff Hardy, noting that Hardy broke his tibia and will have surgery today…

UPDATE x 2: Matt Hardy has posted the following video to YouTube of the dirt bike jump that caused Jeff Hardy to break his leg. It’s not graphic but if you’re like me, it’ll make you cringe from about midway through the jump to the end:

Matt also posted to Twitter:

UPDATE: Jeff Hardy’s injury is not a work. It also ruins TNA’s plans for their next set of TV tapings, which were set to build to the Slammiversary PPV. The plans will now have to be changed.

ORIGINAL: Jeff Hardy has suffered a broken leg following a dirt bike accident. Dixie Carter revealed the news on Twitter, posting:

Hardy just won the TNA Tag Team Titles this month, which were vacated by The Wolves after Eddie Edwards suffered a broken heel. More on this as it comes available.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Jeff Hardy Passed Out At His Home!! WHOA!!!