More On The Upcoming ’30 For 30′ ESPN Special On Ric Flair – Details

Sports Illustrated has more details on the upcoming ESPN 30 for 30 documentary on Ric Flair’s career. It will air in the next twleve months, possibly in the fall. Rory Karpf, director of 30 for 30 documentaries I Hate Christian Laettner and The Book of Manning will helm the feature.

It is currently being edited and will be between 90-120 minutes long. There are still several interviews left to be filmed and ESPN is trying to acquire more archival footage. Those interviewed for the film include Flair’s first wife Leslie, his three living children, The Undertaker, Sting, Shawn Michaels, Ricky Steamboat, Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.

In November, Flair described the project on his Wooooo! Nation podcast. He said: “Well, it’s my whole life. It [has] a little bit to do with my airplane crash, of course, and then coming back from that. And then the titles and the championships and it touches a lot on my personal life, which has been up and down. Right now, it’s perfect, but I had a couple rough years there. And it talks about my son, Reid. [ESPN] wanted to talk about him, how special he was to me. And then, a lot about Ashley, Charlotte, who is now the champion in WWE, the Divas division. And about my other two children, Megan and David. So, it was very nice. And then, it talked about where I am today.”

He said one of the biggest issues was getting WWE to let ESPN use their footage.

Flair said last November: “The WWE is very, very protective of their intellectual property. [The project] is mutually beneficial for all of us, but it just took a while to get everybody on the same page and to work on it diligently for, I guess, it has been a year and a half now. And all of a sudden, it’s coming to fruition.”

However, Sports Illustrated noted that ESPN has a footage agreement with WWE before they started shooting. Karpf said that WWE has been “very supportive with his requests.”

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