Edge & Christian Discuss The WWE Brand Split, Cruiserweight Classic & More

Edge & Christian recently appeared on 120 Sports, and discussed the WWE Brand Split. Here are some highlights of the conversation…

Christian:C Give them fresh matches that they haven’t seen. A lot of times with WWE being live every single week a lot of the times you get the same matchups and that sort of thing. I just want new, fresh matchups that we haven’t seen. I think the brand split will help that a little bit. It will also give guys that need a little bit of extra air time. Maybe they were not being utilized up to their full capabilities. It will give them a chance to step up and to prove themselves.

Edge:C I would like them to be two entirely separate shows. Open up a Cruiserweight Division. You’ve done the CWC with NXT and on the WWE Network. Have a Cruiserweight Division. Put the women on one brand. The tag division… have that be a focus. Then put your bigger stars on RAW. Filter in a few big stars on Smackdown just to make sure people tune in and watch but… give people an opportunity. I think people want to see something different. Make them two different shows. RAW is three hours. That’s a long time to sit down and watch wrestling. Make them different.

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