Best of TNA 2005: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels

Every day I will be posting my personal favourite TNA match from that year now TNA is no more until we hit 2017. Come to at 12:00PT/15:00ET/20:00 BST for a new match each day. We’re also discussing the best matches on our forums here which will be included as a round up at the end.

2005’s match at Unbreakable is for the X-Division title and people who followed TNA will know that triple threats involving these three might come up again in the future, but my god. People say this is the match that put TNA on the map in terms of quality matches for this period and I cannot disagree. Kurt Angle and Christian would be joining soon, but before then, we had this glorious match to witness.

Come back tomorrow to see 2006’s match.