Ricky Starks on Not Having Answers for His Current AEW Absence, Health Status Update, & AEW Contract Status

As noted before, Ricky Starks has been out of action for AEW since this past March due to a head-injury scare incident and AEW officials not having plans for Starks and Big Bill to continue as a tag team for Starks’ return.

WhatCulture Wrestling held a recent interview with Ricky Starks. One of the topics discussed included Starks’ thoughts about the potential of him returning at AEW’s upcoming Double or Nothing 2024 event.

“I don’t know. I would hope so. But I really don’t know. Things are…every time I always predict something to go some way, it doesn’t go that way, and it kind of just leaves me being like, well, we’ll just figure out and see. I really have no clue. It’s just a very interesting time, I feel like. I wish that I was on Dynamite, or I wish I was on Dynasty. I wish I was on these things, but I think at a certain point, just for my own sanity, I can’t go too crazy about it because the proof is in my work and my effort that I’ve constantly given. I’ve constantly given 1000% effort. So at a certain point, it’s not in my control. I think that’s the biggest lesson I have. Things are just not in my control, but the things that are, I try the hardest.”

Starks also gave his thoughts about his current absence from AEW and not having any answers for it beyond it being beyond his control.

“I’m not hurt. Even that night [on AEW Collision], I specifically stated, hey, I’m not hurt. I was just being cautious about it because at the moment, I didn’t know what was happening, especially with this side of my body. So I wasn’t hurt. I was never put on an injury list or anything like that. I have no answers. People ask me all the time, ‘Well, why aren’t you…’ I don’t know. I have no clue. That isn’t up to me. It does suck, obviously, to not be on TV, but the support in people online and people sending me messages is very, very sweet and endearing, and very encouraging, from that standpoint.”

Starks also gave his thoughts about a recent report from PWInsider’s Mike Johnson regarding his recent visit to Jacksonville.

“Mike [Johnson] from PWInsider, whatever, he didn’t say that I was hurt. But people alluded to, ‘Well, he was there to get cleared.’ No, bro. I was just there to get my balls checked and do my physical, and that was it. That’s all I was doing. I’m healthy, I’m great, I’m perfectly fine. I shouldn’t have any type of questioning, ‘Are you really?’ Bitch, I’m telling you I’m not hurt. I don’t know what more you want me to say.”

Starks also gave his thoughts about the current status of his AEW contract.

“[Laughs] No. Because some things should just be kept to the heart, and I see all the time, reports of this person and this person. It’s like, when am I gonna just have something for myself? When can I have something just for me to know and go from there?”

Transcript h/t: Fightful.com