Even More On Lesnar/HHH Plans + HBK Confirmed For RAW

Partial Source: Pwinsider.com

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— Following his tweet Sunday night suggesting he would appear on RAW, WWE is now officially advertising him for the show. He will be addressing Brock Lesnar’s defeat of Triple H.

— As noted earlier, Triple H’s tease of a retirement was intended to look like Shawn Michaels’ exit at WrestleMania 26, including how the post-match events were filmed. The company was trying to tease the fact that the Game’s in-ring career is done and that Brock Lesnar “broke the spirit of WWE” as he promised.

The plan is to have Triple H have doubts about whether he can come back and build toward a rematch down the line. Survivor Series is a possible location for such a rematch. Lesnar’s only current advertised appearance is tonight.

Shawn Michaels is not expected to come back to work a match with Lesnar as he still wants to be the guy who stays retired in terms of in-ring competition.