Hulk Hogan At Big Indy Event Today – Details

Northeast Wrestling and Hulk Hogan have confirmed that Hulk Hogan will be appearing at their Wrestling Under the Stars event Saturday in New York City. There was some controversy some time ago on if Hogan would actually make the show or not. But earlier today, Hogan posted the following on his official Twitter page:

“4:30 a.m. getting ready to head to the airport,” Hogan tweeted, “exciting day in Fishkill, N.Y. at Masters Stadium, big autograph meet and greet with maniacs. HH”

Hogan will appear on the pre-show for an autograph signing. Also set to appear at the show will be Roddy Piper, Vader, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Matt Hardy, Lita, Goldust, The Beautiful People, Rosita, Madison Rayne, and more.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Hulk Hogan **CHOKING OUT** Shaq Backstage At TNA iMPACT! **WOW!!!