‘Taker Replacing Ric Flair, JR Blogs On Reid Flair’s Death

— WWE announced that The Undertaker will replace Ric Flair at Thursday’s VIP signing for WrestleMania Axxess. He will still do his VIP signing on Friday as well.

— Jim Ross has written a new blog in which he looks at RAW and the death of Reid Flair. He wrote: “Please say a prayer for the Ric Flair family. Reid will be missed by all of us that knew him. I still can’t believe that the 25 year old is gone. I will be so happy to see Ric this weekend. Thanks for all the kind words regarding the blog that i wrote about Reid’s passing that is elsewhere on this site.”

Ross also said this weekend is the 20th anniversary of his WWF debut at Wrestlemania 9. He wrote: “It’s hard to believe that this week marks the 20th anniversary of my debut in WWE. First assignment…doing live, Play by Play at WrestleMania 9…not too shabby. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose, because I was either too naive or too arrogant to be overly nervous before WM9. Best business and personal decision that I ever made was coming to WWE. I could have done without the three bouts of Bells palsy but other than that I wouldn’t change a thing. I worked 19 years to get to the big league and to call a WrestleMania event. Quite the over night sensation, huh?”

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