Update x 7: Is Darren Young Bi-Sexual?, + He Tweets

UPDATE x 7: The official Twitter account of Darren Young has the following listed under his bio: As comfortable in the VIP section as he is in the ring, Darren Young’s life revolves around three things — money, women and wrestling. It’s very possible he’s simply bi-sexual as he had been in a prior relationship with WWE Diva Tamina Snuka. That relationship took place in 2012 but ended after several months. If you’re interested, you can click here to view photos of the former couple together. John Morgan also made a good point on my Facebook page this morning, noting “It could’ve been that he was just dating Tamina as a “cover.” A lot of gay guys will do that if they haven’t “come out,” yet.”

Speaking of Darren Young, following a boatload of support after he “came out” last night in a video that was posted on TMZ.com, Young tweeted the following quote:

“Never b bullied n2 silence.Never allow yourself 2 be made a victim.Accept no ones definition of your life; DEFINE YOURSELF- Harvey Fierstein”

UPDATE x 6: Zack Ryder, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne and others posted the following on Twitter today in support of Darren Young…

Zack Ryder: “Proud of you bro @DarrenYoungWWE”

Evan Bourne: “Nothing but love and respect for my dude @DarrenYoungWWE!”

Josh Matthews: “Very proud to be apart of @WWE today. Tremendous show of courage from @DarrenYoungWWE”

Renee Young: “Happy for @DarrenYoungWWE! Big moment for him and everyone else. Happy for you, bud!”

Tony Dawson: ““@StephMcMahon: Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar!” I support D Young 100%.”

Curt Hawkins: “Wow! @DarrenYoungWWE is fearless. This is a historic day for the sport of professional wrestling. Good for you D-Young!”

Drew McIntyre: “History in our business will remember @DarrenYoungWWE as a pioneer with the courage to say proud, this is who I am. Hell of a talent & a man”

David Otunga: “I’m proud of @DarrenYoungWWE for his courageous decision. He’s a genuinely good dude and one of the most talented performers in @WWE”

Carlito: Im happy for you darren young! A lil advice..dont go to Russia any time soon!!

UPDATE x 5: More talents have reacted to Darren Young coming out:

Titus O’Neil: “I’m VERY PROUD of @DarrenYoungWWE He’s been like Family 2Me&My Kids And that won’t Change! #ImInFullSupportOfDarren”

Rosa Mendes: “@DarrenYoungWWE I’m so proud of you!! See you this week!!”

Matt Morgan: ENORMOUS courage out of @DarrenYoungWWE today! U should be very proud of urself Darren! #WhatAGreatExampleForOthers

Chavo Guerrero: Huge support for @DarrenYoungWWE !! Great guy & great wrestler! Kudos for @JohnCena supporting comments too

Joey Ryan: Let us hope we can all spend at least one day of our lives as courageous as @DarrenYoungWWE is today.

Kenny King: @JoeyRyanOnline @darrenyoungwwe Amen joe. Big props to Darren

UPDATE x 4: Numerous current and former WWE talents have tweeted about Darren Young revealing he’s gay. Here are some of their tweets:

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan: Super proud of @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar that isn’t Goldust.

Joey Styles: http://WWE.com : @WWE releases statement in support of @DarrenYoungWWE http://www.wwe.com/inside/wwe-releases-statement-on-darren-young

“Brutal Bob Evans: What was most impressive is that @DarrenYoungWWE didn’t act like it was “a thing” in WWE. We shouldn’t either. #progress #NoH8

Triple H: Congratulations, @DarrenYoungWWE for living YOUR life, YOUR way. #proud

Marty DeRosa: Hats off to @DarrenYoungWWE for coming out.

Shane “Hurricane” Helms: Good job @DarrenYoungWWE Respect!! Somewhere my friend Kanyon is smiling down.

Jim Ross:“@StephMcMahon: Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar! I second that. #NonIssue

UPDATE x 3: The following statement was posted on WWE.com:

On TMZ this morning, WWE Superstar Darren Young revealed to the WWE Universe that he is gay. WWE is proud of Darren Young for being open about his sexuality, and we will continue to support him as a WWE Superstar. Today, in fact, Darren will be participating in one of our Be A STAR anti-bullying rallies in Los Angeles to teach children how to create positive environments for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation.

UPDATE x 2: Stephanie McMahon posted the following on Twitter today…

Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar!
— Stephanie McMahon (@StephMcMahon) August 15, 2013

UPDATE: John Cena spoke with TMZ about Darren Young’s announcement that he is gay. Here is what Cena had to say…

On Young’s Announcement: “Oh wonderful,” Cena said … “I know Darren personally. Darren’s a great guy. That’s a very bold move for him. And congratulations for him for actually finally doing it.”

On What WWE May Think About The Announcement: “For us, it’s entertainment … and if you’re entertaining you shouldn’t be judged by race, creed, color or sexuality … as long as you’re entertaining.”

ORIGINAL: According to TMZ, WWE Wrestler Darrren Young dropped some big news last night. While walking through LAX, TMZ caught up with Young and was asked whether a gay wrestler could succeed in WWE, and Darren laughed, and then stated the following…

“Absolutely. Look at me. I’m a WWE superstar and to be honest with you, I’ll tell you right now, I’m gay. And I’m happy. I’m very happy.”

At this time, Young is the first openly gay wrestler in WWE.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Former WWE Couple Darren Young & Tamina Snuka **TOGETHER**!!