Jim Ross Reacts To SpikeTV Not Renewing TNA iMPACT!

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry on his website discussing the news that Spike TV is canceling TNA iMPACT!. Highlights are below.

On TNA’s future: “Obviously, this is a blow to TNA but they have a weekly audience of approximately 1M viewers which will interest some cable networks. The question is can TNA negotiate a deal that will financially keep them in business in today’s entertainment world with this quick turnaround?”

On this potentially being a historically bad week for wrestling: “It will be interesting to see how all the involved parties spin this matter come Monday morning. If WWE’s scheduled financial, conference call doesn’t go well later this week especially as it relates to the number if subscribers currently paying for the WWE Network this will be one of the most news worthy and potentially negative weeks the business has experienced in years. Hopefully the week will end better than it’s started.”

On wrestling being at another crossroads: “As in any major development such as this, opportunistic entrepreneurs will circle their wagons to both fill the programming void at Spike and to potentially create national, cable TV competition for WWE.”

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