Previews For Next Week’s ‘Swerved’, ‘Culture Shock’ & ‘Tough Talk’

— The next new episode of Swerved will debut on the WWE Network on Monday, August 24th following RAW. Here is an official synopsis:

“Rosa and Foxy meet a sleazeball dad and his loudmouth kid. Zack Ryder helps a pregnant woman. Heath Slater gets treated to a messy 3D TV.”

— Tuesday, August 25th will feature the final episode of WWE Tough Talk with Byron Saxton. The episode will feature highlights of the Tough Enough season finale. He will also interview the eliminated contestants. Here is an official synopsis:

“Join Byron Saxton as he recaps the TOUGH ENOUGH highlights and sits down with the eliminated competitor whose WWE journey came to an end.”

— A new episode of Culture Shock with Corey Graves premieres on Wednesday, August 26th. Here is the official guide preview:

“Corey Graves heads to Baltimore, Maryland to experience BronyCon, the fan convention dedicated to all things ‘My Little Pony’.”

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Triple H Lifts 400 Pounds!! Holy Sh*t!!! What A BEAST!!