AJ Lee and Justin Roberts Both Have Best-Selling Books

AJ Lee’s book, Crazy Is My Superpower: How I Triumphed by Breaking Bones, Breaking Hearts, and Breaking the Rules is a New York Times Best Seller, debuting at #10 in “Hardcover Nonfiction.”

Justin Roberts’ book, Best Seat in the House: Your Backstage Pass through My WWE Journey is “best seller” according to Nielsen BookScan, hitting the top 50 sports books for each of the three weeks it’s been available. Roberts’ book has gotten a lot of press in the wrestling world because the book included timely stories about JBL bullying him.

AJ Lee’s book is currently #380 overall in books on Amazon, while Roberts’ book is currently #1,684.

If the world denies your value, consider that a challenge. When I was a homeless kid dreaming about applying to a prestigious college, people doubted me. And that motivated me to get accepted. When I was a frail “homely” looking girl dreaming about joining the ranks of giants and supermodels in pro wrestling, people doubted me. And that motivated me to become a champion. When I was an athlete dreaming about being taken seriously as a writer, people doubted me. And though there have always been doubters, YOU- my wonderful weirdoes- have supported me every step of the way. You believed in me and took every leap of faith by my side. And that’s why I am so proud to share the news that YOU have made #CrazyIsMySuperpower a NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER in its first week! Because of your support this nerd (whose only real skills have ever been running her mouth, beating FFX2 with the 100% ending, and wearing the hell out of jean shorts) is now a bestselling author! Thank you to @CrownPublishing, @AshantiAkabusi, Lisa Leshne, @JulieKlam @DeedeeDebartlo and all of my wonderful weirdoes for helping me make an impossible dream a reality. And thank you to the doubters. As long as you’re around, I’ll always have someone to prove wrong. -AJ

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If anyone out there has ever thought about writing a book, is writing a book, or wrote a book…you may or may not know that the publishing process is the biggest challenge. If you have chased this dream and lost hope due to the challenging process, please learn from my experience. I shopped my book to lists and lists of agents before I finally had ONE agent who was interested. That agent shopped it to lists and lists of publishers who were not interested. When we parted ways, I planned on self publishing until a friend convinced me to keep trying. So now, I shopped the book to lists and lists of publishers on my own-knowing that publishers usually prefer working with agents. While I came close to giving up, I did not. A few publishers played with the idea, but passed. I still did not give up, because I believed in my story and knew that I would eventually find a publisher willing to take a chance on me. Many, many agents and publishers passed because they may not have believed in this book. I did. And I didn't give up. All it would take was just ONE publisher to say yes. The day came where Meyer & Meyer Sport received my email and gave me the chance that I needed. Today, I got word that according to Nielsen BookScan-"Best Seat In The House" is one of the top 50 sports books in each of the 3 weeks it's been on sale, officially making it a Best Seller. Thank you to everyone who has read it, making this possible. To those aspiring writers, please learn from my experience. Don't give up if it's not easy, just because the 1st 100 people say no. #101 might see the same masterpiece you've created and help you show the world that your book is exactly as great as you believed. Follow your dreams. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible. JustinRobertsBook.com #ThatPath

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