Jeff Hardy Says He’s Going to Do Something People Won’t Forget at Hell in a Cell

Jeff Hardy was interviewed by TalkSport and it seems like he’s planning to do something crazy at Hell in a Cell tonight in his match against Randy Orton.

“I’ve talked about it a lot because the one thing I’ve never done in WWE is a Hell in a Cell match and now here we are. I’m in a Hell in a Cell with Randy Orton and I can’t wait to see what I can do inside that cage. It’s going to be very memorable and I’ll do something that people won’t forget. I think my thoughts are too big for my size sometimes, but I’ve got a lot of good ideas of what I can do inside that structure and this Sunday is when we find what will happen. It will be a very memorable Jeff Hardy match. Expect the unexpected!”

Jeff Hardy has talked about how his body is beat up recently, but said in this interview that he feels good right now.

“I never really thought about it back then, but I think what helped me was going away for a while and then coming back, so I haven’t always had the brutal schedule for the whole time. The seven years I had off in other companies was good for me because I had a lot of time off to heal. Same with Matt, we’ve been back and forth and I know we can’t do this forever, but I feel good right now and I’ll just take it week-by-week and see how my body holds up. It’s good to be back now and when we eventually retire be at the place where we all started.”